obophenotype / zebrafish-phenotype-ontology

A vocabulary for describing Zebrafish Phenotypes
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Problem with redundancy of 'part of' axioms in ZFA with ZFIN #29

Open matentzn opened 4 years ago

matentzn commented 4 years ago

ZFIN annotations are not free of redundancy. For example, we occasionally have annotations to somite, and on other cases somite and part of trunk. Unfortunately, somite is ALWAYS part of trunk (ZFA). The problem is, since we rely on the annotations to be logically distinct, we generate both classes: inheres in somite, and inheres in somite part of trunk, which are logically equivalent and therefore redundant and confusing. For ZP, as a workaround, we remove part of axioms from ZFA prior to generating the ontology. But that wont really help us, when ZP is combined with other ontologies.

Do you think it makes sense to fix these annotations at ZFIN @ybradford annotations;

matentzn commented 4 years ago

see https://github.com/obophenotype/upheno/issues/558

matentzn commented 4 years ago

@matentzn Check list again, some items are NOT redundant.