oborel / obo-relations

RO is an ontology of relations for use with biological ontologies
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The elucidation for `realizes` references a deprecated property #671

Open ajnelson-nist opened 1 year ago

ajnelson-nist commented 1 year ago


In reviewing the documentation for the realizes property (obo:BFO_0000055), I saw a reference to bearer_of (obo:RO_0004097).

These lines in today's core.owl contain the elucidation, which in Turtle reads like this:

    rdfs:label "realizes"@en ;
    obo:IAO_0000600 "to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003])"@en ;

The full definition of bearer_of in today's core.owl reads like this in Turtle:

    a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "DEPRECATED bearer of"@en ;
    owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;

Are there plans to replace that "bearer of" reference in the elucidation for realizes?

balhoff commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure of the history of the RO:0004097 term, but RO contains another 'bearer of' term RO:0000053 which has the preferred label 'has characteristic'. Probably there should be a replaced_by link between them.

wdduncan commented 1 year ago

IMHO, I find the definition is quite wordy and hard to read. I would reword this section of the definition:

which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t

using characteristic of (the inverse of has characteristic) like this:

which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role which a characteristic of d at t
