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Issues connecting to Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio #489

Closed jonjack-data closed 1 year ago

jonjack-data commented 1 year ago

Tried connecting a db in Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio. Should it work through MySQL integration or is that a completely separate connection?

CobusT commented 1 year ago

MySQL is a different database from SQLServer. We don't support SQLServer yet.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

See #323 and add your support to that request.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

@jonjack-data would you be interested in being a beta tester for a SQLServer database connector?

jonjack-data commented 1 year ago

@CobusT Yes, that would be great

CobusT commented 1 year ago

Please email support@observablehq.com and provide your @username. Thanks!