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Can't Add Notebook to Existing Collection(s) #490

Closed MarioDelgadoSr closed 1 year ago

MarioDelgadoSr commented 1 year ago

Adding an existing public notebook to a public collection does not register that notebook in the collection A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a simple 1 cell notebook
  2. Add it to a new or existing collection; ordered or unordered.
  3. Notebook is not added to the collection

Expected behavior Notebook should be part of collection.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Feature was working earlier today. I have attempted to sign-off Observable and log-in again, but the issue continues.

Screen shot below shows Collection's content after attempting to add a public notebook to it. Capture

CobusT commented 1 year ago

Hi @MarioDelgadoSr, That is very strange. I tried to reproduce this but couldn't. Would you be able to share a screenshot of the 'Add to collection' modal? Is the collection you chose selected when you bring up the modal afterwards? I assume you hit the Confirm button after checking the checkbox next to your selected collection?

Screen Shot 2022-10-13 at 8 59 41 PM
MarioDelgadoSr commented 1 year ago

Please note: I've since developed a workaround using my Chrome browser instead of FireFox.

In my debugging, I logged out of Observable, closed all FireFox sessions and then attempted the following workflow (after logging back into Observable) without success.

I suspect some cookie is being set and not cleared in the FireFox environment.

First Screen Shot shows attempt to add public notebook to public collection: Capture

Second Screen Shot (after 'Confirm') shows that notebook was not added to collection 'Geotagging Inventory Assets'. It's just a member of the original collection it was associated with: Capture2

Third Screen Shot again illustrates that the public notebook was not added to the 'Geotagging Inventory Assets' collection: Capture3

CobusT commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing this detailed report. We are looking into this.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

OK, I think we may have fixed it. If you wouldn't mind trying again when you get a chance we would really appreciate it.

MarioDelgadoSr commented 1 year ago

Problem is corrected.

My initial test did not work, but when I:

  1. Signed-off Observable (session was still active from last time problem was experienced);
  2. Closed my FireFox session (browser was still open as well);
  3. Re-started FireFox;
  4. Logged-in to Observable

I was able to do Collection maintenance.
