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Listing lost "published" date (or, created vs. edited in the new paradigm) #505

Open aaronkyle opened 1 year ago

aaronkyle commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Dates are important, and since the change to the new public paradigm, we've lost the original 'published' date that once showed on our notebooks. Now we see only the edited date. Could we have both? Just as when an article is first published in an academic journal or newspaper, I'd like my notebooks to reflect when I first created them (or, under the old paradigm, when I released them into the wild). I will sometimes go back to fix a broken import or to correct a typos, changing the edited date... which now is the only one that appears. I regret this, as it no longer bears an accurate reflection of when I originated that notebook.

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

I would like to 'date published' to appear at the top of the notebook, next to date edited. Under the new paradigm, I would still like 'date published' to reflect when I published a previously private notebook for pro teams. Under free public, I'd like to see instead "Date Created".

Thank you for your consideration of this request!