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Sticky Cells (that don't scroll out of sight) #52

Open mattdzugan opened 3 years ago

mattdzugan commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Sometimes, when my notebook is long, with lots of @observablehq/inputs input elements, I am constantly having to scroll to access these input elements.

Describe the solution you'd like I'd love something similar (in spirit) to the "Scratch cell" in Google Colab ezgif com-gif-maker (24) Note how the scratch panel is always visible "on the right, or i can move it to the bottom" regardless of where i scroll to. I actually hate the term "scratch panel" - i think of it more as like "Pinning a Cell". Kinda like how in excel you can "Freeze" a row.

I say "similar in spirit" cuz I think Observable could implement something much prettier 😜.

Additional context The behavior/design of a "sticky cell" could also visually be similar to the existing "sticky" navbar that you have stuck to the top as we scroll around on notebooks

jrus commented 3 years ago

Workaround: Open the notebook (possibly in safe mode) in another tab or window, scrolled to the editor for the target cell.

zanarmstrong commented 3 years ago

@tophtucker and I were talking about I used to use dat.gui when building web apps, and he mentioned that this feature request seems to describe a similar use case.

See web.archive of the now deprecated dat.gui tutorial.

triptych commented 2 years ago

Very big +1 for this -- when you work on a notebook of any significant size / complexity you rapidly lose track of what field you are editing vs fields/ cells you are checking for the correct output. Also error messages are a hide and seek activity where the error shows up in place but the message may be far away at the top of a long cell.

tophtucker commented 2 years ago

Through the iframe embed, we have an endpoint that shows any cell by itself, e.g. https://observablehq.com/embed/@d3/bar-chart?cells=chart — but it's not logged in or on the socket. If it were, it could be a more satisfying “pop-out” option. (But it still wouldn’t share local worker state, like slider positions.)

My personal dream is a “focus mode” where you could select certain cells and then show only those.

triptych commented 2 years ago

Just riffing from that idea if you could "tag" cells and then have a way to filter the view based on that tag you could have a 'debug' view will cells showing all their source, a 'release' view that only displays the cells you want to show for the public shared notebook, etc. almost like an in-notebook search filter.