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ObservableHQ notebooks does not work in Samsung TV browser anymore #536

Open andreassolberg opened 1 year ago

andreassolberg commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I have been using observablehq a lot to display visualizations at TV displays at home and at work. I used export › embed › with a single "chart" cell.

Lately it have stopped working. I don't know if it is due to changes in Samsung TV OS or at observablehq.

It is not only the export embed that have stopped working. A regular page is not working either.

To Reproduce

Open any observablehq notebook on a Samsung TV (I have tested on two different Samsung Frame).

Expected behavior

Content should display as in a regular browser. What happens is that content of notebook is not shown, however all other content on the page is shown.


observablehq TV

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Samsung TV OS. Latest version.

mootari commented 1 year ago

Could you please try to find out the browser and version that your TV is running? According to http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/ the Samsung Browser does support all language features.

Also, does this happen with every notebook?

mootari commented 1 year ago

According to this overview the most recent version is Chromium M85 which was released in June 2020. However, even this version should have full support.

Can you please share here which URL you were trying to access, and the exact time (either UTC or including the timezone) when you did?

andreassolberg commented 1 year ago

I accessed https://observablehq.com/@categorise/circle-legend at 20:00 CET, Europe/Amsterdam

The problem occur on all notebooks. And I have tested on two different Samsung Frame TVs.

andreassolberg commented 1 year ago


Here is more browser information.

andreassolberg commented 1 year ago

Also, does this happen with every notebook?

Yes all notebook. But a while ago observablehq did work. I did not recognize exactly when it stopped working. I though it was some of the javascript libraries I used in the notebook that was not compatible, but when I did some research I see that it is related to observablehq it self and that not any notebook does work.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

I know this sounds like an unlikely fix, but could you try the suggestion in this thread?
