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Team level notebooks convert to Public please? #563

Closed timoco closed 1 year ago

timoco commented 1 year ago

Hi there - I had signed up for a Pro trial as part of the Data Visualization Course https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/datavizcourse. I had approximately 7 total notebooks in the @timoco-viz notebook under my user @timoco. The Pro upgrade has expired and it looks like I had 5 notebooks that were "Team" level. As such I see that there are 7 notebooks, but only have access, Public, to 2 of them. Could I get those notebooks converted to Public? Thank you.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

@timoco I am going to forward this to the support team support@observablehq.com. They handle these types of support requests.

CobusT commented 1 year ago

@timoco I just looked into it, and it does seem like you have 7 total notebooks in the @timoco-viz workspace, and 5 of them are private to the workspace. However, you (@timoco) are actually a member of that workspace, so when you sign into Observable as @timoco you should see all 7 notebooks. Is that not the case?

If you can indeed see those 5 private notebooks, then there should be an option in the notebook header to make the notebook public. Please let us know if you are not seeing that option.