observablehq / feedback

Customer submitted bugs and feature requests
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Liked notebooks by me #596

Closed manishipro closed 9 months ago

manishipro commented 9 months ago

I have liked many chart notebooks but now I want to see list of all those liked charts then how can I see that, if we can't see that then we should have that feature.

mkfreeman commented 9 months ago

Hi @manishipro! You can now view your likes by clicking your avatar in the top right corner to navigate to your personal profile: (or navigating directly to https://observablehq.com/@YOUR-USER-NAME?tab=profile):

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 11 30 11 AM

And then clicking on the likes tab.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 11 09 10 AM

We appreciate your feedback, and are taking it into consideration with this new location of the likes.

Let us know if you have any other questions or feedback.