observablehq / feedback

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New Joiner #636

Closed Maidanss closed 3 weeks ago

Maidanss commented 1 month ago

Dear group members,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Salman Maidan, I am writing to express my interest in joining as a student.

I am interested in joining the group to further enhance my knowledge, I have been reading about Observable and find it very interesting. I have a little experience in database building and analysis. which is in Claris filemaker Pro.

By writing directly to the group I hope I have not broken any standards or regulations as I am new in the environment. 

I would be grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to joining and starting learning further.

Best regards,

Salman MaidanNovice in the subject

mootari commented 3 weeks ago

Welcome to Observable! We use this repository to collect bugs and feature requests for our platform, but you can join our Slack to connect with the community (we even have a channel where you can introduce yourself), or ask questions on our forum. If you have questions related to your account, please email them to support@observablehq.com.