observablehq / observable-jupyter

This repository has been archived. Please see the fork maintained by Thomas Ballinger.
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Add link back to Observable #4

Closed thomasballinger closed 4 years ago

thomasballinger commented 4 years ago

At minimum, a link back to the notebook outside the iframe. Maybe an Observable logo too?

It should be on but possible to disable like Plotly used to do.

thomasballinger commented 4 years ago

Here's a first pass, we should make this nicer. image

thomasballinger commented 4 years ago

Instead of "Edit with Observable," it would be neat to credit the author of the embedded notebook. Right align might be good. (these both come from Dunstan)

thomasballinger commented 4 years ago

Improved, but now this doesn't look right on Colab image

thomasballinger commented 4 years ago

Colab styling resolved image

Copy could be improved but calling this good for now.