observatorium / thanos-receive-controller

Kubernetes controller to automatically configure Thanos receive hashrings
Apache License 2.0
96 stars 46 forks source link

It is recommended to modify the mirror configuration of the controller in the examples because it is wrong. #136

Open lining-github opened 7 months ago

lining-github commented 7 months ago

image: quay.io/observatorium/thanos-receive-controller:master-2019-10-18-d55fee2 The image will generate the port configuration of receive remote write instead of the port configuration of rpc. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting, and finally found that it was The problem caused by the mirror in the example code should be solved by using lastest

RamezWasfy commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @lining-github , I spent some time troubleshooting as well until i found your comment This image tag sets the endpoints correctly main-2024-05-16-7140e94