observatorium / thanos-receive-controller

Kubernetes controller to automatically configure Thanos receive hashrings
Apache License 2.0
93 stars 42 forks source link

Question : Labelling Thanos receivers statefulset #90

Closed Adaendra closed 9 months ago

Adaendra commented 1 year ago

In the README, it's said at the end :

Finally, deploy StatefulSets of Thanos receivers labeled with controller.receive.thanos.io=thanos-receive-controller.

Does the value of the label controller.receive.thanos.io is thanos-receive-controller because it's hardcoded somewhere ? Or is it because it's the name of the Deployment which is declared before in the documentation ?

Extract of the Deployment declaration

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: thanos-receive-controller

Thanks for your help

hayk96 commented 9 months ago

You can use the --statefulset-label flag to instruct the thanos-receive-controller to watch another StatefulSet label. For example, --statefulset-label=app.kubernetes.io/component=receive.