observatorium / up

a simple Prometheus and Loki API testing tool
Apache License 2.0
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Synchronize consecutive write/read request and reporting #5

Open kakkoyun opened 4 years ago

kakkoyun commented 4 years ago

When testing a round trip, up should executed read and write request consecutively and report the result. The threshold should be calculated regarding the result of this round trip.

vgoudphilips commented 2 years ago

As we see this command as an example. docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 quay.io/observatorium/up --endpoint-write=https://example.com/api/v1/receive --period=10s --name foo --labels 'bar="baz"'

I see something for tenant IDS which I can use. -tenant string Tenant ID to used to determine tenant for write requests. -tenant-header string Name of HTTP header used to determine tenant for write requests. (default "tenant_id")


  1. How to send user ID and password as part string for connecting Thanos. under usage section, couldn't find the values for authentication. Please help to find the same.

headers: basic_auth: username: password: