Open Nitero opened 1 month ago
Quick update: For the the post image in note body (under post title), I'll add {{selector:zoomable-img > img?src|image}}
. It both seems to be a better quality image, and does not contain the additional url parameters
e.g. from
results in
, which is lower quality, e.g.
But {{selector:zoomable-img > img?src|image}}
results in
, which is higher quality, e.g.:
what is the reason for putting the link it in the properties directly, rather than the body?
so that I can show it in a dataview query
@esodesod We safe to merge? We can always update things after the fact if we need guides.
I've already added the "higher quality image" as part of body, in, but that's just my personal preference. I guess it does not hurt to have both and image/cover/poster as well (in front matter/properties), but maybe we should use the same image? (and not two different sources for the same image.. unless we want one "high quality" and one "low quality" image)
@Nitero what do you think, any objections changing to the zoomable-img (higher quality)? Then we can merge, or do you prefer using the #post-image
(lower quality, and includes some stuff in the URL which I don't know what is)?
@sigrunixia Guess it will come down to a personal preferences for some templates, e.g. slightly modified versions of same template. I see reasons for choosing both the low quality image, e.g. less diskspace consumed (though I'm not using it myself), and the high quality image (which I personally prefer, mainly due to further processing with OCR, etc. resulting in better results; which might not be the need for others). Maybe we should simply add a second template for this one?
@esodesod I haven't really started using the web clipper yet so I'd say just go ahead with what you think makes sense
I think I would prefer a low res version because I just use it as small thumbnails... having multiple versions sounds like a good idea but might be annoying to maintain? maybe both images can be in the same template and everyone can just delete the ones they don't need?
Hi! Thank you for the PR. I actually played around with the (preview) image today myself (not pushed the update yet), but I put the image into the body, e.g. under the post text, combined with the image filter, which renders nicely, e.g. something like
.I'm planning on updating that (basically the same as here, just in the body + embedded image), but curious; what is the reason for putting the link it in the properties directly, rather than the body?
PS: While doing some initial testing earlier today, I also found that the "zoomable-img" is better quality (which I personally prefer to use, is possible, though it both pros & cons). I might aim to extract the zoomable-img part, instead. Also (just FYI) images seems to sometimes be in a "gallery-carousel", e.g. multiple images within
. Have not tried to extract these yet, but just as an FYI, if you want to give it a go :-).