obsidian-rs / obsidian

Ergonomic async http framework for reliable and efficient web
MIT License
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Async/Await Migration #31

Closed plwai closed 4 years ago

plwai commented 4 years ago

Implement Async/Await to bring better developer experience.

Currently, Async/Await drastically lower down the performance within hyper. In Obsidian there is one part consumes a lot of resource too.

let service = make_service_fn(|_| {
    let server_clone = app_server.clone();
    async {
        Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(move |req| {
            // This clone takes time to complete as it will be call every endpoint request invoked
            let server_clone = server_clone.clone(); 
            async move { Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(server_clone.resolve_endpoint(req).await) }
plwai commented 4 years ago


using ./ab.exe -n 1000000 -k -c 8 http://localhost:3000/ with one core. The hyper with async/await is slower than the one before. For the issue stated above, it has been resolved and the result is shown below. It has a significant boost after eliminating clone process.

Hyper and Obsidian (Hello world)

Obsidian Hello World


Hyper Hello World


Obsidian before and after optimization

Obsidian Example before removing clone


Obsidian Example after removing clone


Hyper and Obsidian (Before Async/Await)

Hyper before async/await


Obsidian before async/await


jk-gan commented 4 years ago

Closing this issue as #32 is merged.