obsidianforensics / unfurl

Extract and Visualize Data from URLs using Unfurl
Apache License 2.0
589 stars 60 forks source link

protobuf dependency inquiry #188

Closed msramalho closed 8 months ago

msramalho commented 8 months ago

Hi, I see here that protobuf 4.21 was claimed incompatible with this project.

I opened this issue to ask why and if that is still the case, since that was over a year ago.

The reason is that fixing the protobuf version to 3 means that any other libraries that require a more recent version of protobuf cannot be installed alongside unfurl.

obsidianforensics commented 8 months ago

Thanks for raising this issue - let me take another look as to why.

msramalho commented 8 months ago

Thanks for addressing this so quickly :100: