Open Mann-Nova opened 2 years ago
You have the most recent version of
Ah, didn't realize it was updated. Just downloaded the newest version and it's working now!
I ran into the same 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'
error, using a version of the script from about one year ago. I can confirm that pulling the newest version fixed the problem for me.
Tried to download the Animal Crossing GC Rip page from khinsider, got this error: animal-crossing-gc-rip Getting song list...
An unexpected error occurred! If it isn't too much to ask, please report to Attach the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 591, in
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 535, in doIt
success = download(soundtrack, outPath, formatOrder=formatOrder, verbose=True)
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 410, in download
return Soundtrack(soundtrackId).download(path, makeDirs, formatOrder, verbose)
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 322, in download
for song in self.songs:
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 149, in lazyVersion
setattr(self, attrName, func(self))
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 285, in songs
table = self._contentSoup.find('table', id='songlist')
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 149, in lazyVersion
setattr(self, attrName, func(self))
File "C:\Users\fl4m1\Music\~~~khinsider-master\khinsider-master\", line 268, in _contentSoup
if contentSoup.find('p').string == "No such album":
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'