obspy / reporter

ObsPy test reporter app
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what to do with too large reports #26

Closed megies closed 2 weeks ago

megies commented 3 months ago

I've seen CI test reports not getting sent because their payload is too big, likely because of the tracebacks (pytest and decorators blowing tracebacks up massively, sadly). In this case it's "just" 77 test fails.

Error: Could not sent a test report to tests.obspy.org.
Bad Request
b'Request body exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE.'

Screenshot from 2024-05-27 10-34-09

Not sure what to do. I guess aside from allowing larger reports, we could maybe in our obspy reporting code handle a response like that and send the report again without tracebacks maybe?

CC @trichter @barsch

barsch commented 3 months ago

that is just a server side setting which can be increased, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/settings/#std-setting-DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE

default is atm 2621440 (2.5 MB) - any idea how big the payload for the failing report is?

barsch commented 3 months ago

ok increased to 10 MB for now - please test

megies commented 3 months ago

Looks like those reports that couldnt get sent are sent now, thanks!