obuchmann / odoo-jsonrpc

PHP Odoo Json-RPC connector, prepared for laravel integration
MIT License
34 stars 11 forks source link

Provider does not publish config #1

Closed xewl closed 2 years ago

xewl commented 3 years ago
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Obuchmann\OdooServiceProvider.php" --tag="config"

No publishable resources for tag [config].

Sidenote: This library might actually hit off, because the Ripcord/xmlrpc way is quite painful.

obuchmann commented 2 years ago

Hi @xewl,

i'm sorry the Readme was kinda outdated...

The Readme is updated now and includes some examples. The command for publishing the config is: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Obuchmann\OdooJsonRpc\OdooServiceProvider" --tag="config"

I used Ripcord/xmlrpc for many years and it was that pain that made me create this library ;)

Feel free to report issues you have with this library.

xewl commented 2 years ago

I'm actually trying to Identify models, by calling ir.model, ir.model.fields etc.

Edit: As an example, I'm currently able to generate these, but in any case it's a wip:

class SaleOrder extends OdooModel

    * Security Token
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $accessToken

    * Portal Access URL
    * Customer Portal URL
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $accessUrl

    * Access warning
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $accessWarning

    * Next Activity Calendar Event
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(CalendarEvent::class, 'activity_calendar_event_id')]
    private ?CalendarEvent $activityCalendarEventId

    * Next Activity Deadline
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?Date $activityDateDeadline

    * Activity Exception Decoration
    * Type of the exception activity on record.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @enum  [('warning', 'Alert'), ('danger', 'Error')]
    * @readonly
    private ?Enum $activityExceptionDecoration

    * Icon
    * Icon to indicate an exception activity.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $activityExceptionIcon

    * Activities
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[HasMany(MailActivity::class, 'activity_ids')]
    public ?array $activityIds

    * Activity State
    * Status based on activities
Overdue: Due date is already passed
Today: Activity date is today
Planned: Future activities.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @enum  [('overdue', 'Overdue'), ('today', 'Today'), ('planned', 'Planned')]
    * @readonly
    private ?Enum $activityState

    * Next Activity Summary
    * Odoo modules: sale
    private ?string $activitySummary

    * Activity Type Icon
    * Font awesome icon e.g. fa-tasks
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $activityTypeIcon

    * Next Activity Type
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(MailActivityType::class, 'activity_type_id')]
    private ?MailActivityType $activityTypeId

    * Responsible User
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(ResUsers::class, 'activity_user_id')]
    private ?ResUsers $activityUserId

    * Delivery Amount
    * The amount without tax.
    * Odoo modules: website_sale_delivery
    * @readonly
    public ?double $amountDelivery

    * Taxes
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?double $amountTax

    * Total
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?double $amountTotal

    * Amount Before Discount
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?float $amountUndiscounted

    * Untaxed Amount
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?double $amountUntaxed

    * Analytic Account
    * The analytic account related to a sales order.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(AccountAnalyticAccount::class, 'analytic_account_id')]
    public ?AccountAnalyticAccount $analyticAccountId

    * Attendee Count
    * Odoo modules: event_sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $attendeeCount

    * Authorized Transactions
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?array[PaymentTransaction] $authorizedTransactionIds

    * Campaign
    * This is a name that helps you keep track of your different campaign efforts, e.g. Fall_Drive, Christmas_Special
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(UtmCampaign::class, 'campaign_id')]
    public ?UtmCampaign $campaignId

    * Delivery Method
    * Fill this field if you plan to invoice the shipping based on picking.
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    #[BelongsTo(DeliveryCarrier::class, 'carrier_id')]
    public ?DeliveryCarrier $carrierId

    * Cart Quantity
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $cartQuantity

    * Cart recovery email already sent
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    public ?bool $cartRecoveryEmailSent

    * Customer Reference
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $clientOrderRef

    * Delivery Date
    * This is the delivery date promised to the customer. If set, the delivery order will be scheduled based on this date rather than product lead times.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?DateTime $commitmentDate

    * Company
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(ResCompany::class, 'company_id')]
    public ResCompany $companyId

    * Creation Date
    * Date on which sales order is created.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?DateTime $createDate

    * Created by
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResUsers::class, 'create_uid')]
    public ?ResUsers $createUid

    * Currency
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResCurrency::class, 'currency_id')]
    public ?ResCurrency $currencyId

    * Currency Rate
    * The rate of the currency to the currency of rate 1 applicable at the date of the order
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?float $currencyRate

    * Order Date
    * Creation date of draft/sent orders,
Confirmation date of confirmed orders.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public DateTime $dateOrder

    * Delivery Orders
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @readonly
    private ?int $deliveryCount

    * Delivery Message
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    * @readonly
    public ?string $deliveryMessage

    * Delivery Rating Success
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    public ?bool $deliveryRatingSuccess

    * Delivery Set
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $deliverySet

    * Display Name
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $displayName

    * Effective Date
    * Completion date of the first delivery order.
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @readonly
    public ?DateTime $effectiveDate

    * Expected Date
    * Delivery date you can promise to the customer, computed from the minimum lead time of the order lines in case of Service products. In case of shipping, the shipping policy of the order will be taken into account to either use the minimum or maximum lead time of the order lines.
    * Odoo modules: sale, sale_stock
    * @readonly
    private ?DateTime $expectedDate

    * Fiscal Position
    * Fiscal positions are used to adapt taxes and accounts for particular customers or sales orders/invoices.The default value comes from the customer.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(AccountFiscalPosition::class, 'fiscal_position_id')]
    public ?AccountFiscalPosition $fiscalPositionId

    * Has Message
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $hasMessage

    * ID
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?int $id

    * Incoterm
    * International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms used in international transactions.
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    #[BelongsTo(AccountIncoterms::class, 'incoterm')]
    public ?AccountIncoterms $incoterm

    * Invoice Count
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $invoiceCount

    * Invoices
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?array[AccountMove] $invoiceIds

    * Invoice Status
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @enum  [('upselling', 'Upselling Opportunity'), ('invoiced', 'Fully Invoiced'), ('to invoice', 'To Invoice'), ('no', 'Nothing to Invoice')]
    * @readonly
    public ?Enum $invoiceStatus

    * Abandoned Cart
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $isAbandonedCart

    * Service Product
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $isAllService

    * Is expired
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $isExpired

    * JSON data for the popover widget
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @readonly
    private ?string $jsonPopover

    * Medium
    * This is the method of delivery, e.g. Postcard, Email, or Banner Ad
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(UtmMedium::class, 'medium_id')]
    public ?UtmMedium $mediumId

    * Attachment Count
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $messageAttachmentCount

    * Followers
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[HasMany(MailFollowers::class, 'message_follower_ids')]
    public ?array $messageFollowerIds

    * Message Delivery error
    * If checked, some messages have a delivery error.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $messageHasError

    * Number of errors
    * Number of messages with delivery error
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $messageHasErrorCounter

    * SMS Delivery error
    * If checked, some messages have a delivery error.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $messageHasSmsError

    * Messages
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[HasMany(MailMessage::class, 'message_ids')]
    public ?array $messageIds

    * Is Follower
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $messageIsFollower

    * Main Attachment
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(IrAttachment::class, 'message_main_attachment_id')]
    public ?IrAttachment $messageMainAttachmentId

    * Action Needed
    * If checked, new messages require your attention.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $messageNeedaction

    * Number of Actions
    * Number of messages which requires an action
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $messageNeedactionCounter

    * Followers (Partners)
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?array[ResPartner] $messagePartnerIds

    * Unread Messages
    * If checked, new messages require your attention.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $messageUnread

    * Unread Messages Counter
    * Number of unread messages
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $messageUnreadCounter

    * My Activity Deadline
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?Date $myActivityDateDeadline

    * Order Reference
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public string $name

    * Terms and conditions
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $note

    * Only Services
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $onlyServices

    * Order Lines
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[HasMany(SaleOrderLine::class, 'order_line')]
    public ?array $orderLine

    * Source Document
    * Reference of the document that generated this sales order request.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $origin

    * Customer
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResPartner::class, 'partner_id')]
    public ResPartner $partnerId

    * Invoice Address
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResPartner::class, 'partner_invoice_id')]
    public ResPartner $partnerInvoiceId

    * Delivery Address
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResPartner::class, 'partner_shipping_id')]
    public ResPartner $partnerShippingId

    * Payment Terms
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(AccountPaymentTerm::class, 'payment_term_id')]
    public ?AccountPaymentTerm $paymentTermId

    * Transfers
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    #[HasMany(StockPicking::class, 'picking_ids')]
    public ?array $pickingIds

    * Shipping Policy
    * If you deliver all products at once, the delivery order will be scheduled based on the greatest product lead time. Otherwise, it will be based on the shortest.
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @enum  [('direct', 'As soon as possible'), ('one', 'When all products are ready')]
    * @readonly
    public Enum $pickingPolicy

    * Pos Order Count
    * Odoo modules: pos_sale
    * @readonly
    private ?int $posOrderCount

    * Order lines Transfered to Point of Sale
    * Odoo modules: pos_sale
    * @readonly
    #[HasMany(PosOrderLine::class, 'pos_order_line_ids')]
    public ?array $posOrderLineIds

    * Pricelist
    * If you change the pricelist, only newly added lines will be affected.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ProductPricelist::class, 'pricelist_id')]
    public ProductPricelist $pricelistId

    * Procurement Group
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    #[BelongsTo(ProcurementGroup::class, 'procurement_group_id')]
    public ?ProcurementGroup $procurementGroupId

    * Number of Purchase Order Generated
    * Odoo modules: sale_purchase
    * @readonly
    private ?int $purchaseOrderCount

    * Delivery cost should be recomputed
    * Odoo modules: delivery
    public ?bool $recomputeDeliveryPrice

    * Payment Ref.
    * The payment communication of this sale order.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $reference

    * Online Payment
    * Request an online payment to the customer in order to confirm orders automatically.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?bool $requirePayment

    * Online Signature
    * Request a online signature to the customer in order to confirm orders automatically.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?bool $requireSignature

    * Optional Products Lines
    * Odoo modules: sale_management
    * @readonly
    #[HasMany(SaleOrderOption::class, 'sale_order_option_ids')]
    public ?array $saleOrderOptionIds

    * Quotation Template
    * Odoo modules: sale_management
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(SaleOrderTemplate::class, 'sale_order_template_id')]
    public ?SaleOrderTemplate $saleOrderTemplateId

    * Has late picking
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @readonly
    private ?bool $showJsonPopover

    * Has Pricelist Changed
    * Technical Field, True if the pricelist was changed;
 this will then display a recomputation button
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?bool $showUpdatePricelist

    * Signature
    * Signature received through the portal.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?binary $signature

    * Signed By
    * Name of the person that signed the SO.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?string $signedBy

    * Signed On
    * Date of the signature.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?DateTime $signedOn

    * Source
    * This is the source of the link, e.g. Search Engine, another domain, or name of email list
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(UtmSource::class, 'source_id')]
    public ?UtmSource $sourceId

    * Status
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @enum  [('draft', 'Quotation'), ('sent', 'Quotation Sent'), ('sale', 'Sales Order'), ('done', 'Locked'), ('cancel', 'Cancelled')]
    * @readonly
    public ?Enum $state

    * Tags
    * Odoo modules: sale
    public ?array[CrmTag] $tagIds

    * Tax Country
    * Technical field to filter the available taxes depending on the fiscal country and fiscal position.
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResCountry::class, 'tax_country_id')]
    private ?ResCountry $taxCountryId

    * Tax Totals Json
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $taxTotalsJson

    * Sales Team
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(CrmTeam::class, 'team_id')]
    public ?CrmTeam $teamId

    * Terms & Conditions format
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @enum  []
    * @readonly
    private ?Enum $termsType

    * Transactions
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?array[PaymentTransaction] $transactionIds

    * Type Name
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    private ?string $typeName

    * Salesperson
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[BelongsTo(ResUsers::class, 'user_id')]
    public ?ResUsers $userId

    * Expiration
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?Date $validityDate

    * Warehouse
    * Odoo modules: sale_stock
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(StockWarehouse::class, 'warehouse_id')]
    public StockWarehouse $warehouseId

    * Warning
    * Odoo modules: website_sale_stock
    public ?string $warningStock

    * Website
    * Website through which this order was placed.
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(Website::class, 'website_id')]
    public ?Website $websiteId

    * Website Messages
    * Website communication history
    * Odoo modules: sale
    #[HasMany(MailMessage::class, 'website_message_ids')]
    public ?array $websiteMessageIds

    * Order Lines displayed on Website
    * Order Lines to be displayed on the website. They should not be used for computation purpose.
    * Odoo modules: website_sale
    * @readonly
    #[HasMany(SaleOrderLine::class, 'website_order_line')]
    private ?array $websiteOrderLine

    * Last Updated on
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    public ?DateTime $writeDate

    * Last Updated by
    * Odoo modules: sale
    * @readonly
    #[BelongsTo(ResUsers::class, 'write_uid')]
    public ?ResUsers $writeUid

obuchmann commented 2 years ago

If you plan to support multiple Odoo version it might be better to not rely on the Model interface but to use the Odoo api directly via the $odoo->model('sale.order'). See https://github.com/obuchmann/odoo-jsonrpc/blob/main/tests/OdooTest.php for examples. Per default it returns all model fields and can be limited by calling ->fields(['name', 'display_name']) etc.

You can ask for the current odoo version via $odoo->version();

The Key attribute indicates that this is a Foreign relation property. When reading from Odoo the api returns an array with [id, name] for this relations. With the Key attribute only the id is stored and the name property is skipped.

Pagination would indeed be a nice feature. You may create a new issue for that.

xewl commented 2 years ago

I'm going just for v15 for now. Problem is that in the other versions, the keys are also different when using the direct call approach, so the Model approach can be nicer in the end as I can create a new set of models for that version and have something else grab the correct set of Models / fields based on the version of the connection. (v12 image_medium, v15 image_1024 etc) and create an accessor for it.

Thanks for the explanation of Key, I see clearly now :)

obuchmann commented 2 years ago

My way to go for this would be to have a Model Class for each Version and to use laravel service container to inject the model depending on the used version. https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/container

You can use the static model Methods SaleOrder::where(.... also from an injected Instance of this Model.

sern2tech commented 6 months ago

Wonderful respose @obuchmann