obytes / react-native-template-obytes

📱 A template for your next React Native project: Expo, PNPM, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Husky, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-query, react-hook-form.
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You attempted to import the Node standard library module "path" from "env.js" #310

Closed iamhaaamed closed 2 months ago

iamhaaamed commented 4 months ago


when trying to run the project i have this error:

You attempted to import the Node standard library module "path" from "env.js".

this is my env.js file:

 * Env file to load and validate env variables
 * Be cautious; this file should not be imported into your source folder.
 * We split the env variables into two parts:
 * 1. Client variables: These variables are used in the client-side code (src folder).
 * 2. Build-time variables: These variables are used in the build process (app.config.ts file).
 * Import this file into the `app.config.ts` file to use environment variables during the build process. The client variables can then be passed to the client-side using the extra field in the `app.config.ts` file.
 * To access the client environment variables in your `src` folder, you can import them from `@env`. For example: `import Env from '@env'`.
 * 1st part: Import packages and Load your env variables
 * we use dotenv to load the correct variables from the .env file based on the APP_ENV variable (default is development)
 * APP_ENV is passed as an inline variable while executing the command, for example: APP_ENV=staging pnpm build:android
const z = require('zod');

const packageJSON = require('./package.json');
const path = require('path');
const APP_ENV = process.env.APP_ENV ?? 'development';
const envPath = path.resolve(__dirname, `.env.${APP_ENV}`);

  path: envPath,

 * 2nd part: Define some static variables for the app
 * Such as: bundle id, package name, app name.
 * You can add them to the .env file but we think it's better to keep them here as as we use prefix to generate this values based on the APP_ENV
 * for example: if the APP_ENV is staging, the bundle id will be com.nordiccar.mypartslocator.staging

// TODO: Replace these values with your own

const BUNDLE_ID = 'com.xxx'; // ios bundle id
const PACKAGE = 'com.xxx'; // android package name
const NAME = 'XXX'; // app name
const EXPO_ACCOUNT_OWNER = 'xxx'; // expo account owner
const EAS_PROJECT_ID = '7f2d8c22-xxxxxxxxxx'; // eas project id
const SCHEME = 'XXX'; // app scheme

 * We declare a function withEnvSuffix that will add a suffix to the variable name based on the APP_ENV
 * Add a suffix to variable env based on APP_ENV
 * @param {string} name
 * @returns  {string}

const withEnvSuffix = (name) => {
  return APP_ENV === 'production' ? name : `${name}.${APP_ENV}`;

 * 2nd part: Define your env variables schema
 * we use zod to define our env variables schema
 * we split the env variables into two parts:
 *    1. client: These variables are used in the client-side code (`src` folder).
 *    2. buildTime: These variables are used in the build process (app.config.ts file). You can think of them as server-side variables.
 * Main rules:
 *    1. If you need your variable on the client-side, you should add it to the client schema; otherwise, you should add it to the buildTime schema.
 *    2. Whenever you want to add a new variable, you should add it to the correct schema based on the previous rule, then you should add it to the corresponding object (_clientEnv or _buildTimeEnv).
 * Note: `z.string()` means that the variable exists and can be an empty string, but not `undefined`.
 * If you want to make the variable required, you should use `z.string().min(1)` instead.
 * Read more about zod here: https://zod.dev/?id=strings

const client = z.object({
  APP_ENV: z.enum(['development', 'staging', 'production']),
  NAME: z.string(),
  SCHEME: z.string(),
  BUNDLE_ID: z.string(),
  PACKAGE: z.string(),
  VERSION: z.string(),

  API_URL: z.string(),
  WS_HOST: z.string(),
  IMAGE_BASE_URL: z.string(),

const buildTime = z.object({
  EXPO_ACCOUNT_OWNER: z.string(),
  EAS_PROJECT_ID: z.string(),
  SECRET_KEY: z.string(),

 * @type {Record<keyof z.infer<typeof client> , unknown>}
const _clientEnv = {
  BUNDLE_ID: withEnvSuffix(BUNDLE_ID),
  PACKAGE: withEnvSuffix(PACKAGE),
  VERSION: packageJSON.version,

  API_URL: process.env.API_URL,
  WS_HOST: process.env.WS_HOST,


 * @type {Record<keyof z.infer<typeof buildTime> , unknown>}
const _buildTimeEnv = {
  SECRET_KEY: process.env.SECRET_KEY,

 * 3rd part: Merge and Validate your env variables
 * We use zod to validate our env variables based on the schema we defined above
 * If the validation fails we throw an error and log the error to the console with a detailed message about missed variables
 * If the validation passes we export the merged and parsed env variables to be used in the app.config.ts file as well as a ClientEnv object to be used in the client-side code
const _env = {

const merged = buildTime.merge(client);
const parsed = merged.safeParse(_env);

if (parsed.success === false) {
    '❌ Invalid environment variables:',

    `\n❌ Missing variables in .env.${APP_ENV} file, Make sure all required variables are defined in the .env.${APP_ENV} file.`,
    `\n💡 Tip: If you recently updated the .env.${APP_ENV} file and the error still persists, try restarting the server with the -cc flag to clear the cache.`
  throw new Error(
    'Invalid environment variables, Check terminal for more details '

const Env = parsed.data;
const ClientEnv = client.parse(_clientEnv);

module.exports = {

and this is my app.config.ts:

/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
import type { ConfigContext, ExpoConfig } from '@expo/config';

import { ClientEnv, Env } from './env';

export default ({ config }: ConfigContext): ExpoConfig => ({
  name: Env.NAME,
  description: `${Env.NAME} Mobile App`,
  scheme: Env.SCHEME,
  slug: 'mypartslocator',
  version: Env.VERSION.toString(),
  orientation: 'portrait',
  icon: './assets/icon.png',
  userInterfaceStyle: 'automatic',
  // splash: {
  //   image: './assets/splash.png',
  //   resizeMode: 'cover',
  //   backgroundColor: '#2E3C4B',
  // },
  updates: {
    fallbackToCacheTimeout: 0,
  assetBundlePatterns: ['**/*'],
  ios: {
    supportsTablet: true,
    bundleIdentifier: Env.BUNDLE_ID,
    googleServicesFile: './ios/GoogleService-Info.plist',
  experiments: {
    typedRoutes: true,
  android: {
    googleServicesFile: './android/app/google-services.json',
    adaptiveIcon: {
      foregroundImage: './assets/icon',
      backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
    package: Env.PACKAGE,
  web: {
    favicon: './assets/favicon.png',
    bundler: 'metro',
  plugins: [
        fonts: ['./assets/fonts/Urbanist.ttf'],
        android: {
          kotlinVersion: '1.7.22', // this is for softinput package
        ios: {
          useFrameworks: 'static',
        enabled: Env.APP_ENV !== 'production',
        badges: [
            text: Env.APP_ENV,
            type: 'banner',
            color: 'white',
            text: Env.VERSION.toString(),
            type: 'ribbon',
            color: 'white',
  extra: {
    eas: {
      projectId: Env.EAS_PROJECT_ID,
thozh commented 3 months ago

DId you find a solution ?

iamhaaamed commented 3 months ago

DId you find a solution ?

No, not yet

Cyberlane commented 3 months ago

@iamhaaamed - what does your babel config look like?

iamhaaamed commented 3 months ago

@iamhaaamed - what does your babel config look like?

This is my babel.config file:

module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: [
      ['babel-preset-expo', { jsxImportSource: 'nativewind' }],
    plugins: [
          root: ['./'],
          alias: {
            '@': './src',
            '@env': './src/core/env.js',
          extensions: [
Cyberlane commented 3 months ago

I had this exact issue, so I am trying to remember which thing was incorrect...

Do you by chance have your package.json configured to be a module?

iamhaaamed commented 3 months ago

I had this exact issue, so I am trying to remember which thing was incorrect...

Do you by chance have your package.json configured to be a module?

No, my package.json is not configured to be a module.

This is my package.json file:

  "name": "mypartslocator",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "main": "expo-router/entry",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "cross-env EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 expo start",
    "prebuild": "cross-env EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 pnpm expo prebuild",
    "android": "cross-env EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 expo run:android",
    "ios": "cross-env EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 expo run:ios",
    "doctor": "npx expo-doctor@latest",
    "preinstall": "npx only-allow pnpm",
    "start:staging": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging pnpm run start",
    "prebuild:staging": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging pnpm run prebuild",
    "android:staging": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging pnpm run android",
    "ios:staging": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging pnpm run ios",
    "start:production": "cross-env APP_ENV=production pnpm run start",
    "prebuild:production": "cross-env APP_ENV=production pnpm run prebuild",
    "android:production": "cross-env APP_ENV=production pnpm run android",
    "ios:production": "cross-env APP_ENV=production pnpm run ios",
    "build:development:ios": "cross-env APP_ENV=development EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile development --platform ios",
    "build:development:android": "cross-env APP_ENV=development EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile development --platform android ",
    "build:staging:ios": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile staging --platform ios",
    "build:staging:android": "cross-env APP_ENV=staging EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile staging --platform android ",
    "build:production:ios": "cross-env APP_ENV=production EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile production --platform ios",
    "build:production:android": "cross-env APP_ENV=production EXPO_NO_DOTENV=1 eas build --profile production --platform android ",
    "postinstall": "husky install",
    "app-release": "cross-env SKIP_BRANCH_PROTECTION=true np --no-publish --no-cleanup --no-release-draft",
    "version": "pnpm run prebuild && git add .",
    "lint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx",
    "type-check": "tsc  --noemit",
    "lint:translations": "eslint ./src/translations/ --fix --ext .json  ",
    "test": "jest",
    "test:ci": "pnpm run test --coverage",
    "test:watch": "pnpm run test --watch",
    "install-maestro": "curl -Ls 'https://get.maestro.mobile.dev' | bash",
    "e2e-test": "maestro test .maestro/ -e APP_ID=com.obytes.development"
  "dependencies": {
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    "@hookform/resolvers": "^2.9.11",
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    "@react-native-community/netinfo": "^11.3.1",
    "@react-native-community/push-notification-ios": "^1.11.0",
    "@react-native-firebase/analytics": "^19.2.2",
    "@react-native-firebase/app": "^19.2.2",
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    "@commitlint/cli": "^17.8.1",
    "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^17.8.1",
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yjose commented 2 months ago

Mostly you are importing env.js file inside src folder. make sure you are importing env vars from '@env' and not directly from './env.js' file