Before starting the task, please refer to Add data of ML-YouTube-Courses, organize the data in the task link, Don't forget it, it's very important for data management.
Furthermore before you add data, please check whether it is a course, if it is other forms of expression, such as book, tutorial, or the course has nothing to do with python, data science, machine learning, deep learning and AI, you can not add it temporarily. Please tick only the data you have added.
[ ] Deep Blueberry: Deep Learning - A free five-weekend plan to self-learners to learn the basics of deep-learning architectures like CNNs, LSTMs, RNNs, VAEs, GANs, DQN, A3C and more (2019)
[ ] Deep Learning with R in Motion: a live video course that teaches how to apply deep learning to text and images using the powerful Keras library and its R language interface.
[ ] Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Tutorial: This tutorial is styled as a graduate lecture about medical imaging with deep learning. This will cover the background of popular medical image domains (chest X-ray and histology) as well as methods to tackle multi-modality/view, segmentation, and counting tasks.
[ ] Air Freight - The Air Freight data set is a ray-traced image sequence along with ground truth segmentation based on textural characteristics. (455 images + GT, each 160x120 pixels). (Formats: PNG)
[ ] Amsterdam Library of Object Images - ALOI is a color image collection of one-thousand small objects, recorded for scientific purposes. In order to capture the sensory variation in object recordings, we systematically varied viewing angle, illumination angle, and illumination color for each object, and additionally captured wide-baseline stereo images. We recorded over a hundred images of each object, yielding a total of 110,250 images for the collection. (Formats: png)
[ ] Brown University Stimuli - A variety of datasets including geons, objects, and "greebles". Good for testing recognition algorithms. (Formats: pict)
[ ] CMU PIE Database - A database of 41,368 face images of 68 people captured under 13 poses, 43 illuminations conditions, and with 4 different expressions.
[ ] CMU VASC Image Database - Images, sequences, stereo pairs (thousands of images) (Formats: Sun Rasterimage)
[ ] Caltech Image Database - about 20 images - mostly top-down views of small objects and toys. (Formats: GIF)
[ ] Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture Database - Texture and reflectance measurements for over 60 samples of 3D texture, observed with over 200 different combinations of viewing and illumination directions. (Formats: bmp)
[ ] Computational Colour Constancy Data - A dataset oriented towards computational color constancy, but useful for computer vision in general. It includes synthetic data, camera sensor data, and over 700 images. (Formats: tiff)
[ ] Content-based image retrieval database - 11 sets of color images for testing algorithms for content-based retrieval. Most sets have a description file with names of objects in each image. (Formats: jpg)
[ ] Densely Sampled View Spheres - Densely sampled view spheres - upper half of the view sphere of two toy objects with 2500 images each. (Formats: tiff)
[ ] Digital Embryos - Digital embryos are novel objects which may be used to develop and test object recognition systems. They have an organic appearance. (Formats: various formats are available on request)
[ ] FG-NET Facial Aging Database - Database contains 1002 face images showing subjects at different ages. (Formats: jpg)
[ ] FVC2000 Fingerprint Databases - FVC2000 is the First International Competition for Fingerprint Verification Algorithms. Four fingerprint databases constitute the FVC2000 benchmark (3520 fingerprints in all).
[ ] German Fingerspelling Database - The database contains 35 gestures and consists of 1400 image sequences that contain gestures of 20 different persons recorded under non-uniform daylight lighting conditions. (Formats: mpg,jpg)
[ ] Image Analysis Laboratory - Images obtained from a variety of imaging modalities -- raw CFA images, range images and a host of "medical images". (Formats: homebrew)
[ ] Image Database - An image database including some textures
[ ] JAFFE Facial Expression Image Database - The JAFFE database consists of 213 images of Japanese female subjects posing 6 basic facial expressions as well as a neutral pose. Ratings on emotion adjectives are also available, free of charge, for research purposes. (Formats: TIFF Grayscale images.)
[ ] JISCT Stereo Evaluation - 44 image pairs. These data have been used in an evaluation of stereo analysis, as described in the April 1993 ARPA Image Understanding Workshop paper ``The JISCT Stereo Evaluation'' by R.C.Bolles, H.H.Baker, and M.J.Hannah, 263--274 (Formats: SSI)
[ ] MIT face images and more - hundreds of images (Formats: homebrew)
[ ] Machine Vision - Images from the textbook by Jain, Kasturi, Schunck (20+ images) (Formats: GIF TIFF)
[ ] Mammography Image Databases - 100 or more images of mammograms with ground truth. Additional images available by request, and links to several other mammography databases are provided. (Formats: homebrew)
[ ] - many images (Formats: unknown)
[ ] Middlebury Stereo Data Sets with Ground Truth - Six multi-frame stereo data sets of scenes containing planar regions. Each data set contains 9 color images and subpixel-accuracy ground-truth data. (Formats: ppm)
[ ] National Design Repository - Over 55,000 3D CAD and solid models of (mostly) mechanical/machined engineering designs. (Formats: gif,vrml,wrl,stp,sat)
[ ] OSU (MSU) 3D Object Model Database - several sets of 3D object models collected over several years to use in object recognition research (Formats: homebrew, vrml)
[ ] Otago Optical Flow Evaluation Sequences - Synthetic and real sequences with machine-readable ground truth optical flow fields, plus tools to generate ground truth for new sequences. (Formats: ppm,tif,homebrew)
[ ] - Real and synthetic image sequences used for testing a Particle Image Velocimetry application. These images may be used for the test of optical flow and image matching algorithms. (Formats: pgm (raw))
[ ] Photometric 3D Surface Texture Database - This is the first 3D texture database which provides both full real surface rotations and registered photometric stereo data (30 textures, 1680 images). (Formats: TIFF)
[ ] SEQUENCES FOR OPTICAL FLOW ANALYSIS (SOFA) - 9 synthetic sequences designed for testing motion analysis applications, including full ground truth of motion and camera parameters. (Formats: gif)
[ ] Stereo Images with Ground Truth Disparity and Occlusion - a small set of synthetic images of a hallway with varying amounts of noise added. Use these images to benchmark your stereo algorithm. (Formats: raw, viff (khoros), or tiff)
[ ] Stuttgart Range Image Database - A collection of synthetic range images taken from high-resolution polygonal models available on the web (Formats: homebrew)
[ ] The AR Face Database - Contains over 4,000 color images corresponding to 126 people's faces (70 men and 56 women). Frontal views with variations in facial expressions, illumination, and occlusions. (Formats: RAW (RGB 24-bit))
[ ] The MIT-CSAIL Database of Objects and Scenes - Database for testing multiclass object detection and scene recognition algorithms. Over 72,000 images with 2873 annotated frames. More than 50 annotated object classes. (Formats: jpg)
[ ] The RVL SPEC-DB (SPECularity DataBase) - A collection of over 300 real images of 100 objects taken under three different illuminaiton conditions (Diffuse/Ambient/Directed). -- Use these images to test algorithms for detecting and compensating specular highlights in color images. (Formats: TIFF )
[ ] The Xm2vts database - The XM2VTSDB contains four digital recordings of 295 people taken over a period of four months. This database contains both image and video data of faces.
[ ] University of Oulu Physics-based Face Database - contains color images of faces under different illuminants and camera calibration conditions as well as skin spectral reflectance measurements of each person.
[ ] University of Oulu Texture Database - Database of 320 surface textures, each captured under three illuminants, six spatial resolutions and nine rotation angles. A set of test suites is also provided so that texture segmentation, classification, and retrieval algorithms can be tested in a standard manner. (Formats: bmp, ras, xv)
[ ] Usenix face database - Thousands of face images from many different sites (circa 994)
[ ] View Sphere Database - Images of 8 objects seen from many different view points. The view sphere is sampled using a geodesic with 172 images/sphere. Two sets for training and testing are available. (Formats: ppm)
[ ] Vision-list Imagery Archive - Many images, many formats
[ ] Wiry Object Recognition Database - Thousands of images of a cart, ladder, stool, bicycle, chairs, and cluttered scenes with ground truth labelings of edges and regions. (Formats: jpg)
[ ] Yale Face Database - 165 images (15 individuals) with different lighting, expression, and occlusion configurations.
[ ] Yale Face Database B - 5760 single light source images of 10 subjects each seen under 576 viewing conditions (9 poses x 64 illumination conditions). (Formats: PGM)
[ ] DeepMind QA Corpus - Textual QA corpus from CNN and DailyMail. More than 300K documents in total. Paper for reference.
[ ] YouTube-8M Dataset - YouTube-8M is a large-scale labeled video dataset that consists of 8 million YouTube video IDs and associated labels from a diverse vocabulary of 4800 visual entities.
[ ] Open Images dataset - Open Images is a dataset of ~9 million URLs to images that have been annotated with labels spanning over 6000 categories.
[ ] Fashion-MNIST - MNIST like fashion product dataset consisting of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes.
[ ] Large-scale Fashion (DeepFashion) Database - Contains over 800,000 diverse fashion images. Each image in this dataset is labeled with 50 categories, 1,000 descriptive attributes, bounding box and clothing landmarks
[ ] MSDA - Over over 5 million images from 5 different domains for multi-source ocr/text recognition DA research, Project_Page
[ ] SANAD: Single-Label Arabic News Articles Dataset for Automatic Text Categorization - SANAD Dataset is a large collection of Arabic news articles that can be used in different Arabic NLP tasks such as Text Classification and Word Embedding. The articles were collected using Python scripts written specifically for three popular news websites: AlKhaleej, AlArabiya and Akhbarona.
[ ] Referit3D - Two large-scale and complementary visio-linguistic datasets (aka Nr3D and Sr3D) for identifying fine-grained 3D objects in ScanNet scenes. Nr3D contains 41.5K natural, free-form utterances, and Sr3d contains 83.5K template-based utterances.
[ ] SQuAD - Stanford released ~100,000 English QA pairs and ~50,000 unanswerable questions
[ ] FQuAD - ~25,000 French QA pairs released by Illuin Technology
[ ] TensorWatch - Debugging and visualization for deep learning
[ ] ML Workspace - All-in-one web-based IDE for machine learning and data science.
[ ] dowel - A little logger for machine learning research. Log any object to the console, CSVs, TensorBoard, text log files, and more with just one call to logger.log()
[ ] Neptune - Lightweight tool for experiment tracking and results visualization.
[ ] CatalyzeX - Browser extension (Chrome and Firefox) that automatically finds and links to code implementations for ML papers anywhere online: Google, Twitter, Arxiv, Scholar, etc.
[ ] Determined - Deep learning training platform with integrated support for distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, smart GPU scheduling, experiment tracking, and a model registry.
[ ] DAGsHub - Community platform for Open Source ML – Manage experiments, data & models and create collaborative ML projects easily.
[ ] hub - Fastest unstructured dataset management for TensorFlow/PyTorch by Stream & version-control data. Converts large data into single numpy-like array on the cloud, accessible on any machine.
[ ] DVC - DVC is built to make ML models shareable and reproducible. It is designed to handle large files, data sets, machine learning models, and metrics as well as code.
[ ] CML - CML helps you bring your favorite DevOps tools to machine learning.
[ ] MLEM - MLEM is a tool to easily package, deploy and serve Machine Learning models. It seamlessly supports a variety of scenarios like real-time serving and batch processing.
[ ] Dockerface - Easy to install and use deep learning Faster R-CNN face detection for images and video in a docker container.
[ ] Awesome Deep Learning Music - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research applied to music
[ ] Awesome Graph Embedding - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research on graph structured data at the graph level.
[ ] Awesome Network Embedding - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research on graph structured data at the node level.
[ ] Microsoft Recommenders contains examples, utilities and best practices for building recommendation systems. Implementations of several state-of-the-art algorithms are provided for self-study and customization in your own applications.
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