ocadotechnology / rapid-router

A Blockly and python based educational game aimed at students age 5-14.
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Level editor - level instruction and hint text UI #1630

Open lauracumming opened 1 month ago

lauracumming commented 1 month ago

Task Description

We would like to give users the ability to add in an instruction and a hint within the level creator instead of it being generic and not particularly useful. There would still need to be a generic solution applied, so that it is optional.

Acceptance Criteria

Analytics Requirements

Copywrite Requirements

Links to designs are here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13za5V1SIG22UPZtJren5nI5CpdcKnxUq?usp=drive_link

evemartin commented 2 weeks ago

I've added tracking to Tag Manager but I don't see a submit or publish button - I think I might have had my access revoked or never had access to begin with. Could someone please add me?

SKairinos commented 2 weeks ago

what is the aim and what is the instruction in this example?

lauracumming commented 2 weeks ago

Instruction is how to tackle the level and what to expect, the hint is just a clue on how to solve it.

lauracumming commented 2 weeks ago

Instruction pops up at the start of a level, hint pops up if you press the hint button, or now, in this new case, if you struggle on a level (crash X times)

evemartin commented 2 weeks ago

Just to confirm, one of the changes I'm implementing based on our discussion this morning is that there will be a "display hint" button on every failure popup and the teacher won't be able to configure this to make it so that the hint only shows up after X attempts. Is that correct?

lauracumming commented 1 week ago

Yes, we will add button directly to failure pop-up. Im not sure how the transition from failure pop-up to hit pop-up will look, will have to test.

Currently the hint/help pop-up contains a button that says 'close', but I think it should echo the general pop-up and have the play button with the cross icon representing close to keep the labelling consistent.

lauracumming commented 1 week ago

I can create a separate task for this.

faucomte97 commented 4 days ago

LGTM, however it was possible to set a subtitle > 100 chars. @evemartin Not sure how that was possible given the constraint on the model field, but it's not causing an actual issue UX wise

evemartin commented 4 days ago

I've just checked and it seems like apparently SQLite doesn't actually enforce max length constraints on TextFields or CharFields - maybe that's why?

evemartin commented 2 days ago

The issue with the changes to default levels has now been fixed by this PR!

lauracumming commented 2 days ago


lauracumming commented 23 hours ago

LGTM - see comment on other ticket about emojis