ocaml-batteries-team / batteries-included

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ocamlinit "Canot find file topfind" #140

Closed ajendrex closed 13 years ago

ajendrex commented 13 years ago


On Arch LInux, I have installed:

ocaml-svn 11008-1 ocaml-batteries 1.3.0-1 ocaml-camomile 0.8.2-1 ocaml-findlib 1.2.7-1 ocaml-ounit 1.1.0-4

I copied the ocamlinit file to ~/.ocamlinit and I have the following error when starting ocaml

[13:01]hurbina@tito ocaml-tutorial $ ocaml Objective Caml version 3.13.0+dev3 (2011-03-07)

Cannot find file topfind. File "/home/hurbina/.ocamlinit", line 7, characters 52-77: Error: Unbound module Findlib

How can i fix it?

gasche commented 13 years ago

Perhaps you should use the batteries mailing list for general installation questions. It's the "batteries-discuss" list on the forge page.

(Regarding your issue : it means that findlib wasn't properly installed; topfind is not related to Batteries, it's a component of findlib / ocamlfind.)

gasche commented 13 years ago

It probably means your "findlib" installation has a problem. "topfind" is not provided by batteries, it is a byproduct of the ocamlfind / findlib installation.

thelema commented 13 years ago

Ajendrix, Your ocaml-findlib package should have installed a /usr/lib/ocaml/topfind file. As it seems to have not done so, you should either install findlib from source or complain to whoever packaged it to fix this.