Closed ygrek closed 5 years ago
it is required to call ./configure to build successfully, not ocaml -configure as README advertises, which results in confusing :
ocaml -configure
E: Failure("No variable mariadb_include_base defined when trying to expand \"let _ =\\n let prefix = \\\"mariadb_stub\\\" in\\n let generate_ml, generate_c = ref false, ref false in\\n Arg.parse\\n [(\\\"-ml\\\", Arg.Set generate_ml, \\\"Generate ML\\\");\\n (\\\"-c\\\", Arg.Set generate_c, \\\"Generate C\\\")]\\n (fun _ -> failwith \\\"unexpected anonymous argument\\\")\\n \\\"stubgen [-ml|-c]\\\";\\n match !generate_ml, !generate_c with\\n | false, false | true, true ->\\n failwith \\\"Exactly one of -ml and -c must be specified\\\"\\n | true, false ->\\n Cstubs.write_ml\\n Format.std_formatter ~prefix (module Ffi_bindings.Bindings)\\n | false, true ->\\n print_endline \\\"#include <$(mariadb_include_base)/mysql.h>\\\";\\n Cstubs.write_c\\n Format.std_formatter ~prefix (module Ffi_bindings.Bindings)\\n\".")
Fixed, thanks.
it is required to call
to build successfully, notocaml -configure
as README advertises, which results in confusing :