ocaml-doc / doc-ock

(DEPRECATED) Documentation generation for OCaml
ISC License
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`assert false` in docOck #69

Closed strega-nil closed 6 years ago

strega-nil commented 6 years ago
$ jbuilder build @doc
        odoc pred/pred__Array_.odoc (exit 2)
(cd _build/default/pred && /home/nicole/.opam/4.06.0/bin/odoc compile -I . --pkg pred pred__Array_.cmti)
odoc: internal error, uncaught exception:
      File "src/docOckIdentEnv.ml", line 260, characters 22-28: Assertion failed

When run on https://github.com/ubsan/pred/tree/f8706fe7b701661934253411e6e47f021e561498

link to the assertion in question: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock/blob/master/src/docOckIdentEnv.ml#L260

strega-nil commented 6 years ago

It seems to be do with the include module type of Array, somehow... it doesn't seem to be an issue with any other include module type of ...s.

lpw25 commented 6 years ago

I just tried to reproduce this and couldn't. What versions of ocaml, jbuilder, odoc, doc-ock, octivius and doc-ock-html do you have installed?

strega-nil commented 6 years ago
$ ocaml --version
The OCaml toplevel, version 4.06.0
$ jbuilder --version
$ odoc --version
$ opam show doc-ock
             package: doc-ock
             version: 1.2.0
          repository: default
        upstream-url: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock/archive/v1.2.0.tar.gz
       upstream-kind: http
   upstream-checksum: ef6e96f69b9ed195415cbb620a3e88ea
            homepage: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock
         bug-reports: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/odoc/issues
            dev-repo: http://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock.git
              author: Leo White <lpw25@cl.cam.ac.uk>, Thomas Refis <trefis@janestreet.com>
             license: ISC
                 doc: https://ocaml-doc.github.com/doc-ock/
                tags: doc, ocaml, org:ocaml-doc
             depends: cppo & ocamlfind & jbuilder & octavius
   installed-version: 1.2.0 [4.06.0]
  available-versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0
         description: Extract documentation from OCaml files

Doc-ock is a library extract documentation from OCaml files
$ opam show doc-ock-html
             package: doc-ock-html
             version: 1.2.0
          repository: default
        upstream-url: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock-html/archive/v1.2.0.tar.gz
       upstream-kind: http
   upstream-checksum: fa942cd747d72115575b040bbabaf863
            homepage: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock-html
         bug-reports: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/odoc/issues
            dev-repo: http://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock-html.git
              author: Thomas Refis <trefis@janestreet.com>
             license: ISC
                 doc: https://ocaml-doc.github.com/doc-ock-html/
                tags: doc, html, ocaml, org:ocaml-doc
             depends: ocamlfind & jbuilder & doc-ock >= 1.2.0 & tyxml >= 4.0.0 & xmlm
   installed-version: 1.2.0 [4.06.0]
  available-versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0
         description: From doc-ock to HTML

Doc-ock-html generates HTML documentation using [Doc-ock][doc-ock]

doc-ock: https://github.com/ocaml-doc/doc-ock

and I did just test it again, and it still fails.

trefis commented 6 years ago

That's a silly bug, when I updated odoc to work with 4.06 I forgot to introduce the new predefined types. I'll push a fix right away.

strega-nil commented 6 years ago

@trefis thanks!