ocaml-multicore / effects-examples

Examples to illustrate the use of algebraic effects in Multicore OCaml
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Errors in building effects-examples #34

Open doug719 opened 1 year ago

doug719 commented 1 year ago

I installed the 5.0.0 today (29 June 2023)

Error 1 Did a make: File "aio/dune", line 3, characters 12-16: 3 | (libraries unix) ^^^^ Error: Library "unix" in /home/doug/.opam/5.0.0/lib/ocaml is hidden ** fix In .opam/5.0.0/lib/ocaml
I did: cp unix/unix
. which fixed this problem

Error 2 Did a make: File "mvar/dune", line 3, characters 24-32: 3 | (libraries threads lwt lwt.unix) ^^^^^^^^ Error: Library "lwt.unix" not found. *** fix opam install conduit-lwt-unix

kayceesrk commented 9 months ago

On my Mac, make succeeds without a failure both on 5.0.0 and 5.1.0~rc3. Can you make sure your opam switch is set up right? It may just be a matter of not having run eval $(opam env) after switching to a different opam switch.

@dra27 does the failure remind you of an opam switch issue?