Closed choeger closed 9 years ago
I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you show an example?
Here is a non-working example:
type foo = Foo of int | Bar of int baz | Baz of float baz and 'a baz = {a : 'a} [@@deriving show] ;;
The reusage of the structure of baz
is a useful pattern in real-world applications (since structures tend to occur repeatedly). However, inside the "head" foo
there may be a finite amount of instantiations of baz
, deriving only allows for one currently. To solve that, one would have to factor out these instantiations and create pretty-printers for each one.
Ok, the code that is currently generated is:
let rec pp_foo fmt =
| Foo a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Foo@ ";
(Format.fprintf fmt "%d") a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
| Bar a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Bar@ ";
(pp_baz (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d") fmt) a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
| Baz a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Baz@ ";
(pp_baz (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%F") fmt) a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
and show_foo x = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_foo x
and pp_baz poly_a fmt x =
Format.fprintf fmt "{ @[<hov>";
(Format.pp_print_string fmt "a = "; (poly_a fmt) x.a);
Format.fprintf fmt "@] }";;
What code should I generate instead?
I would propose to break the recursion for generated polymoprhic pp functions that appear multiple times on the rhs of other generated pp functions:
let pp_baz pp_foo poly_a fmt x =
Format.fprintf fmt "{ @[<hov>";
(Format.pp_print_string fmt "a = "; (poly_a fmt) x.a);
Format.fprintf fmt "@] }";;
let rec pp_foo fmt =
| Foo a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Foo@ ";
(Format.fprintf fmt "%d") a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
| Bar a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Bar@ ";
(pp_baz pp_foo (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d") fmt) a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
| Baz a0 ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>Baz@ ";
(pp_baz pp_foo (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%F") fmt) a0;
Format.fprintf fmt "@])")
and show_foo x = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_foo x
The additional parameter to pp_baz
is of course not necessary here, but might be in the general case. However it is probably a design decision, where and how to break the recursion. OCaml only requires you to do it somehow ;).
OK. I will not have time to make this relatively nontrivial change soon, so feel free to submit a PR if you come up with one.
There is a far simpler solution: adding a strong polymorphic type signature, for the example used in this ticket:
(* up as before *)
and pp_bar
: 'a . (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a bar -> unit =
fun poly_a fmt x ->
(* rest as before *)
The type signature will force the function to be polymorphic, and allowing proper compilation.
I can provide a similar example but for the ord
type expr =
| Bool of bool_expr
| Plus of expr * expr
| IfE of expr if_expr
and bool_expr =
| True
| False
| And of bool_expr * bool_expr
| IfB of bool_expr if_expr
and 'a if_expr = bool_expr * 'a * 'a
[@@deriving ord]
Compiling it yield the following error message:
File "", line 39, characters 30-47:
Error: This expression has type bool_expr -> bool_expr -> int
but an expression was expected of type expr -> expr -> int
Type bool_expr is not compatible with type expr
Looking at the generated code (extracting using ppx_tools/rewriter):
let rec compare_expr lhs rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
(* ... *)
| (IfE lhs0,IfE rhs0) ->
(* compare_if_expr with is used and substitute '_a with expr,
it was not generalized at this point. *)
(match (compare_if_expr compare_expr) lhs0 rhs0 with
| (-1)|1 as x -> x
| _ -> 0)
(* ... *)
and compare_bool_expr lhs rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
(* ... *)
| (IfB lhs0,IfB rhs0) ->
(* compare_if_expr was monorphized during the previous use,
and yield a type error here when we try to use it against
a bool_expr. *)
(match (compare_if_expr compare_bool_expr) lhs0 rhs0 with
| (-1)|1 as x -> x
| _ -> 0)
(* ... *)
and compare_if_expr poly_a (lhs0,lhs1,lhs2) (rhs0,rhs1,rhs2) =
(* ... *)
Applying the same technique to fix the compilation:
and compare_if_expr
: 'a . ('a -> 'a -> int) -> (bool_expr * 'a * 'a) -> (bool_expr * 'a * 'a) -> int =
fun poly_a (lhs0,lhs1,lhs2) (rhs0,rhs1,rhs2) ->
When you try to derive for a type like:
You will end up with recursive functions:
However, the recursive binding does not allow for multiple instantiations of the polymorphic argument. Hence, you should probably move that out of the recursive group.