ocaml / dune

A composable build system for OCaml.
MIT License
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New name: Dune #360

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

It appears that for legal reasons we do need to change the jbuilder name. Feel to suggest new names here.

xclerc commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the confusion - I knew "oud" had already been used in the context of OCaml, but it was indeed the name of the workshop at ICFP a few years ago.

igarnier commented 6 years ago

Another desert (and engineering)-themed proposal: qanat, which are underground irrigation systems

Kakadu commented 6 years ago


from Age of Empires

Un soldiers in Eritrea

rizo commented 6 years ago

In my opinion it would be nice if we could add sub-command(s) to opam to build the project. From my experience people get confused by the amount of separeate tools they need to use to manage the project lifecycle (e.g. ocamlfind, ocamlbuild, opam, odoc/odig, utop, merlin, ocp-indent, topkg, etc).

jbuilder could be renamed into opam-build and could be run as opam build.

Another option is to add the opam project sub-command as a namespace for all jbuilder commands.

I'm also strongly against nomad. I do like the name but it conflicts with another popular project by HashiCorp.

leviroth commented 6 years ago

Sticking with the camel/desert/etc. theme and relating to building, perhaps something to do with pyramids would be appropriate. E.g. the word pyramid itself, hemiunu (architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza), khufu (the pharaoh for whom it was built).

ghost commented 6 years ago

I like the pyramid idea. To me it evokes how we create these big pyramids of projects with jbuilder. Plus pyramids are impressive buildings

yminsky commented 6 years ago

Giza is nice and short!

ghost commented 6 years ago

Folk, I made a poll to get some aggregation of the overall opinions.


The names are loosely in the order I saw from here and in the forum, omitting ones that didn't seem to get any favour.

If I've missed your favourite one, mention me with the name.

Edit: fixed broken link

olafhering commented 6 years ago

@rizo "jbuilder" has to build binaries, and install them into a subtree. After jbuilder has done its work, opam or rpm or apt or whatever grabs that tree and turns it into a package of some sort.

hsk commented 6 years ago

cob camel o builder. cob means the hump of a camel in Japanese and Kobu,Konbu is Japanese Laminariaceae.

strega-nil commented 6 years ago

@hsk that makes me think of COBOL - the COBOL file extension is .cob.

xandkar commented 6 years ago

How about emmet, for Emmet Brickowski from The Lego Movie (he initially struggles with building, but eventually develops his skills to become a Master Builder).

"Emmet" also sounds like "emit", which invokes (in me) somewhat magical associations - just picture Gerald Sussman in wizard robes, waving a wand and proclaiming "Emit the executable!" :)

yawaramin commented 6 years ago

@ibnfirnas there's some kind of editor tooling called Emmet, I think that would be confusing.

ghost commented 6 years ago

We discussed with the other developers and we settled on dune.

Thanks to everyone for helping in finding a new name for Jbuilder! I personally loved the dune books and I'm looking forward to this rename, I think it's a great choice for Jbuilder.

We'll start the renaming work at the beginning of next year, you can follow the advancement on #362.

UnixJunkie commented 6 years ago

My (too late) proposition: ocamlb. Rational: I never liked oamlbuild, so I am very happy to see something eradicating it from the ocaml ecosystem. Plus, we already have names such as ocamlc, ocamlopt, etc. But, of course, having settled on the name of some of the finest science fiction ever written is also cool.