ocaml / graphics

The Graphics library from OCaml, in a standalone repository
56 stars 29 forks source link

Higher version number #1

Closed dra27 closed 4 years ago

dra27 commented 5 years ago

Note https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/12674/ which is blocked only by a CI issue and once that's fixed will be wanted. Can we pick a higher initial release number - is there anything prevent 5.0?

dra27 commented 5 years ago

Or 4.09.0, for that matter 🙂

ghost commented 5 years ago

That seems fine to me. Thinking about it again, we should probably not make this package available for OCaml < 4.09, otherwise there will be a conflict for the ownership of file graphics/META, i.e. both ocamlfind and this package might try to install it :/

dra27 commented 5 years ago

Indeed - but once that opam-repository PR is sorted, the package becomes uniformly installable with opam install graphics, so that seems OK!

ghost commented 5 years ago

It's just that we have a problem if we install things in this order:

  1. ocaml < 4.09
  2. ocamlfind
  3. graphics (this repo)

in this case, ocaml will install <stdlib-dir>/graphics.cma. Because of this, ocamlfind will install <libdir>/graphics/META. graphics will also install <libdir>/graphics/META because that's what it always does: BOOM.

It feels safer to simply wait for 4.09 and release this repo with a >= 4.09 lower bound.

dra27 commented 5 years ago

I agree - all I meant was to release with a version number that's definitely bigger than the graphics.4.08.0 which will hopefully by then be in opam-repository.

dra27 commented 5 years ago

The opam-repository PR is merged. As it happens, you can build later versions of graphics with older compilers (I seem to remember finding that OCaml 3.07 could actually compile the 4.06.0 graphics library!) but for opam-repository I elected to have it that you always get the version of graphics which matches the compiler, just for the "least surprise" principle.

So when 4.08.0 is released, I'll do an update on opam-repository for graphics.4.08.0 and then when 4.09.0 comes out we can release this package as graphics.4.09.0 with the an ocaml >= "4.09.0" constaint.

ghost commented 5 years ago

That works for me!

ghost commented 5 years ago

I updated the changelog to be sure to use the right number when release time comes

xavierleroy commented 4 years ago

The latest release is numbered 5.0.0, so I guess this report served its purpose and can be closed now.