ocaml / graphics

The Graphics library from OCaml, in a standalone repository
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release graphics in opam for ocaml 4.09.0 #12

Closed hhugo closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

@dra27 do you remember what version we said we would use for graphics? IIRC, it's 5.0.0 since graphics is not tied to the compiler internals

dra27 commented 4 years ago

In #11 I put 4.09.0, but it could be either. We could call it 4.09 and then bump it to 5 if there are (ever any) changes?

I’m fairly sure I have an opam-repository branch already done for it - I’ll check in a bit and push it

dra27 commented 4 years ago

(It’s obviously not a straight copy of the 4.08.1 one!)

garrigue commented 4 years ago

This may not be the place to discuss that, but labltk relies on the ocaml configuration to detect X11. How can we factor the logic, both in and out of opam?

dra27 commented 4 years ago

For opam, it’s done via the conf-libX11 package. I haven’t looked in detail at what Jérémie’s done with the Dune port here

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm tempted to call it 5.0.0 and switch to semantic versioning at the same time, just to avoid confusion.

For X11, I made graphics depend on conf-libX11. No special compilation flags are used and the following link flags are used:

BTW, what authors should we put in the opam file? I put only @xavierleroy for now.

dra27 commented 4 years ago

See https://github.com/dra27/opam-repository/blob/graphics-4.09/packages/graphics/graphics.4.09.0/opam

dra27 commented 4 years ago

I'm inclined to agree with calling it 5.0.0 - although it feels strange to bump the major version with no changes, it will also feel strange to be using semver and having 4.09.1, 4.10.0 before OCaml does!

dra27 commented 4 years ago

(I can redo that opam-repository PR once there's a tag and a confirmed version number)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Let's go for 5.0.0. @dra27 do you have a PR already prepared for this? I was planning to use dune-release to proceed with the release

ghost commented 4 years ago

I created the release on github. @dra27 let me know if I should proceed with the opam-repository PR

dra27 commented 4 years ago

I just diff'd the graphics.opam with the one I'd done by hand: the only difference (apart from things which were better in master, like the build recipe) is that I added Jun Furuse, J-M Geffroy, Jacob Navia and Pierre Weis to the authors list (I think that was based on everyone whose name appears in a copyright header). I'm just old-school with the opam files - I'd add those files and use dune-release :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Alright, I added the other authors and made the release: https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/14828