ocaml / graphics

The Graphics library from OCaml, in a standalone repository
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Multiple mouse buttons for Graphics #5

Open vicuna opened 19 years ago

vicuna commented 19 years ago

Original bug ID: 3693 Reporter: administrator Status: acknowledged Resolution: open Priority: normal Severity: feature Category: otherlibs Monitored by: @Chris00

Bug description

Full_Name: Ken Rose Version: 3/08.1 OS: Linux Submission from: o1-dialup-66-81-19-51.rev.o1.com (

It would be very useful if the graphics library distinguished among the various mouse buttons, rather than forcing them all together, as in the current implementation.

I'd be willing to implement the change and submit a patch, if that's desireable. A quick look suggests it might be pretty easy to do, though I'm not certain there is no trap lurking.
