ocaml / oasis

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Separating subpackage in subdirectories while installing #551

Closed gildor478 closed 3 years ago

gildor478 commented 3 years ago

This feature request has been migrated from artifact #1305 on forge.ocamlcore.org. It was assigned to user102. It was closed on 2016-08-22 23:09:28.

user7847 posted on 2013-08-09 14:35:43:

Admitting that there is a package named foo and a sub-package foo.bar. In both packages there is a module named Test.

So when installing, there will be a conflict between both packages since both packages will be installed in the same directory.

So, my proposal is to install sub-packages in subdirectories.

Note: This would be very useful, for example, when installing libraries depending on eliom.

user102 replied on 2013-08-09 14:49:05:

Unfortunately, even if it solves the installation problem, you won't be able to compile with foo and foo.bar at the same time. Because OCaml compiler will not pay attention to paths in this case.

But maybe I am missing your point. Do you have a precise example for this ?

user7847 replied on 2013-08-09 15:05:30:

I'm missing your point either, But, yes, I have:

OASISFormat: 0.3 Name: test Version: 1.0 Synopsis: Test Authors: Test License: MIT BuildTools: ocamlbuild Plugins: DevFiles (0.3), META (0.3)

Library foo Path: foo Modules: Test

Library "foo.bar" Path: bar Modules: Test

user102 replied on 2013-08-09 15:21:43:

Library "foo.bar" is not possible (because it will end up by being called foo.bar.cma).

Library bar FindlibParent: foo

is better.

So the case you describe here will not be valid, from the general OCaml point of view, because having two modules Test will generate a lot of problems for compiling. So anything which will embed foo and foo.bar and that will try to use Test.a_function will don't know if it should look into foo/Test.cm or foo/bar/Test.cm.

But I think your precise use case, is that you want to be able to dynamically load them in ocsigen. Since this kind of object doesn't require module name, it should be ok (it doesn't require module name because it use side effect while loading the file dynamically).

This is a very specific corner case, although it is doable to generate a META file that will allow doing that.

I would however recommend you to not use the same name, because this is a known general problem of OCaml.

user923 replied on 2013-08-09 20:17:25:

I have a precise use case for this : shipping library for eliom. For most eliom library, you have shared code between the client and the server. You would like to be able to define a server and a client package that contains the same modules and eliom will load them according to a configure file. This is how the eliom "standard" library is shipped : there is an "eliom.server" and an "eliom.client" ocamlfind library that contains both the Html5 module (for example).

Currently, we have an ugly makefile that define an empty ocamlfind library and manually copy each file in different subdirectories. This is completely hideous and I tried to avoid it when I did the build system for https://github.com/ocsigen/eliom-widgets. The compilation part worked quite nicely, thanks to jpdeplaix's plugin for ocamlbuild, but not the installation part because of this precise bug. Because of this, we had to switch back to the ugly makefile and the whole build part is far more painful than with oasis (I did not do it).

Is this use case convincing enough ? :D

user102 replied on 2013-08-09 21:13:34:

So I perfectly see the use case now. However I am not sure why eliom doesn't ship eliom.common that contains Html5 and eliom.server and eliom.client that depends on eliom.common. I would say it look likes a better way to share code.

But maybe you can explain me the precise reason.

The feature request is doable but I need to figure out a little bit how valuable it is.

user923 replied on 2013-08-09 21:25:41:

There is some reasons for this :

user7847 replied on 2013-08-14 21:12:54:

I have a little question off topic: why « Library "foo.bar" » is not good ? The cm{a,xa,xs} name doesn't count, no ?

user102 replied on 2013-08-14 23:02:42:

"foo.bar" is a correct filename, but it will translate to a strange findlib name...

user7847 replied on 2013-08-19 18:35:26:

I don't get it :/ The findlib name doesn't change. It still foo.bar in both cases.

user102 replied on 2013-08-19 19:15:32:

But bar will not be a subpackage of foo, it will live in 2 different directories...

user7847 replied on 2013-08-19 20:46:03:

You mean, with my proposal ? Because without, it is a sub-package.

user102 replied on 2013-08-19 21:13:46:

Library "foo.bar" (your proposal) will create +/foo.bar/foo.bar.cma

Library "bar" (2nd option) FindlibParent: foo will create +/foo/bar.cma

I think 2nd option is cleaner in term of filename, but this is IMHO.

user7847 replied on 2013-08-20 15:44:12:

Ok, I see. Thanks.

Otherwise, did you understand the use case described by Gabriel Radanne ?

user102 replied on 2013-08-20 15:50:11:

I see the use and it somehow makes sense. I will provide something to fix that but it will come as a feature (something that you need to turn on) until I am fine with it.

user7847 replied on 2013-08-20 15:56:25:

Great ! :)

Does it will be ready for the next release ?

user102 replied on 2013-08-20 16:09:27:

I would like to speed up the next release, so it won't be in 0.4.0 but since it will be hidden behind a feature, you can have it in 0.4.X (X > 1).

Release 0.4.0 main feature will be to introduce a field 'ExperimentalFeatures', e.g:

Name: foobar Version: 0.1 ExperimentalFeatures: subpackage-in-subdir, toplevel

Library foo ...

This way I can release big changes hidden behind feature and promote features to official release later.

user7847 replied on 2014-02-24 23:56:43:

What are the news on this one ?

user102 replied on 2014-02-25 00:46:07:

Nothing done so far.

user7847 replied on 2014-03-07 15:06:55:

@Drup has another use-case for this feature: Consider the following _oasis (part):

Library test Path: src Modules: Test InnerModules: TestInner

Library inner FindlibParent: test Path: src Modules: TestInner

then the module TestInner will be installed and is accessible through test AND test.inner.

user102 replied on 2014-03-07 16:02:28:

the library test should depends on test.inner.

With the proposal describe in this bug, you'll have to install TestInner.cmo in 2 directories!

user7847 replied on 2014-03-07 16:56:35:

No, this is wanted. The module TestInner shouldn't be accessed through test. So yes TestInner.cmo should be installed in 2 directories.

user102 replied on 2014-03-07 17:26:08:

s/TestInner.cmo/TestInner.cmx in fact, because anyway TestInner.cmi will only be installed in test/inner and TestInner.cmo should not be installed at all.

In the very specific case of this kind of library, you will not have conflict because we use exactly the same interface across module. So this should be fine...

user294 replied on 2014-03-07 20:06:59:

I think there may be another, less eliom-centered use case:

Library lib_a Path: src/a Pack: true Modules: M1, M2 FindlibName: a FindlibParent: lib

Library lib_b Path: src/b Pack: true Modules: M1,M2 FindlibName: b FindlibParent: lib

This works well thanks to packing, apart from mli files, that are copied in the same directory (and so the mli files are overwritten).

user7847 replied on 2014-03-07 20:42:31:

Oh ! Good use case ! Thanks for sharing :)

user923 replied on 2014-03-12 16:57:34:

Just to make everything clear, and as jpdeplaix pointed already, we would need this not only for eliom libraries, but also in the case of tyxml (which is a fairly "standard" ocaml library, by most standard).

We want to provide a "simple to use" package foo which contains the module Foo, but also an "internal" package foo_bis for advanced users, which contains the module Foo_bis. Of course, Foo depends on Foo_bis, so Foo_bis is listed in the internal modules. Currently, since everything is installed in the same directory, Foo_bis is accessible when loading the foo package.

All of this is easily visible when looking at the tyxml _oasis file : https://github.com/ocsigen/tyxml/blob/master/_oasis

user6958 replied on 2014-11-26 22:32:29:

I've hit this issue myself as I'm trying to distribute an Eliom library, though I realize I'm a bit late joining this discussion. Commenting on the latest response, I think Jacques-Pascal's intention was not to link the two libraries, but picking one or the other depending on the target.

My suggestion would be to add a "FindlibDirectory" directive for library sections. This would add a "directory" setting in the package and cause all .cmi, .cmx, and .mli files to be installed in that subdirectory. ocamlfind should then add the right include options, thus:

Here is a somewhat more worked example for the Eliom use-case:

Library "ocsidant-shared" Path: src/shared FindlibContainers: ocsidant FindlibName: shared Modules: shared/Ocsidant_text_utils # Same version usable for both native and JS.

Library "ocsidant-server" Path: src/server FindlibContainers: ocsidant FindlibName: server BuildDepends: ocsidant-shared Modules: server/Ocsidant_database, # Only avaliable on the server side. server/Ocsidant_widgets # Server-side version not using DOM/JS.

Library "ocsidant-client" Path: src/client FindlibContainers: ocsidant FindlibName: client BuildDepends: ocsidant-shared Modules: client/Ocsidant_dom_utils, # Only avaliable to JS clients. client/Ocsidant_widgets # Client-side version depending on DOM/JS.

Eliom makes essential use of same-named modules with not only different implementations, but also slightly differing interfaces. E.g. a t client_value on the server side is just a handle, but becomes a real t object on the client side. However, what is needed can be understood as a "multilib" feature, i.e. different incompatible packages for different targets/purposes.

user6958 replied on 2014-11-26 22:43:37:

Sorry, I read this thread from bottom to top, and though there was some confusion towards the "end" (actually beginning), so my previous post is rather redundant.

user102 replied on 2016-06-19 14:36:24:
