ocaml / ocaml-lsp

OCaml Language Server Protocol implementation
762 stars 121 forks source link

LSP crash w/ Invalid_argument("List.combine") #1228

Closed ELLIOTTCABLE closed 4 months ago

ELLIOTTCABLE commented 8 months ago

I'm getting an lsp-server crash; it's not clear what initiates it, but it happens almost immediately after invoking ocaml.server.restart:

[Error - 7:39:15 PM] Server process exited with code 0.
detached: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Internal error: Uncaught exception.
| Invalid_argument("List.combine")
| Raised at Stdlib.invalid_arg in file "stdlib.ml", line 30, characters 20-45
| Called from Stdlib__List.combine in file "list.ml", line 305, characters 36-49
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 392, characters 23-54
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.fold_node in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 698, characters 2-24
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.all_holes.aux in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 987, characters 4-28
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 326, characters 4-53
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 326, characters 4-53
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_node in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 575, characters 24-84
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 236, characters 37-53
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 236, characters 37-53
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold_with_next in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 247, characters 59-84
| Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.all_holes in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 989, characters 2-20
| Called from Query_commands.dispatch.loc_and_types_of_holes in file "src/frontend/query_commands.ml", line 613, characters 15-42
| Called from Stdlib__List.map in file "list.ml", line 92, characters 20-23
| Called from Merlin_utils__Std.List.concat_map in file "src/utils/std.ml" (inlined), line 129, characters 32-42
| Called from Query_commands.dispatch in file "src/frontend/query_commands.ml", line 619, characters 4-51
| Called from Ocaml_lsp_server__Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics.(fun) in file "ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml", line 339, characters 12-50
| Called from Merlin_utils__Std.let_ref in file "src/utils/std.ml", line 693, characters 8-12
| Re-raised at Merlin_utils__Std.let_ref in file "src/utils/std.ml", line 695, characters 30-39
| Called from Merlin_utils__Misc.try_finally in file "src/utils/misc.ml", line 45, characters 8-15
| Re-raised at Merlin_utils__Misc.try_finally in file "src/utils/misc.ml", line 62, characters 10-24
| Called from Stdlib__Fun.protect in file "fun.ml", line 33, characters 8-15
| Re-raised at Stdlib__Fun.protect in file "fun.ml", line 38, characters 6-52
| Called from Merlin_kernel__Mocaml.with_state in file "src/kernel/mocaml.ml", line 18, characters 8-38
| Re-raised at Merlin_kernel__Mocaml.with_state in file "src/kernel/mocaml.ml", line 20, characters 42-53
| Called from Ocaml_lsp_server__Document.Single_pipeline.use.(fun) in file "ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml", line 147, characters 22-77
| Called from Stdune__Exn_with_backtrace.try_with in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn_with_backtrace.ml", line 9, characters 8-12
| Re-raised at Stdune__Exn.raise_with_backtrace in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn.ml" (inlined), line 36, characters 27-56
| Called from Stdune__Exn_with_backtrace.reraise in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn_with_backtrace.ml", line 18, characters 33-71
| Called from Fiber__Core.O.(>>|).(fun) in file "fiber/src/core.ml", line 250, characters 36-41
| Called from Fiber__Scheduler.exec in file "fiber/src/scheduler.ml", line 73, characters 8-11

The only invocation of List.combine seems to be here:


File contents ```ocaml open Printf open Lwt.Syntax let show_option o = Option.value ~default:"" o let create_random_large_value size = let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" in let chars_len = String.length chars in let result = Bytes.create size in for i = 0 to size - 1 do Bytes.set result i chars.[Random.int chars_len] done ; Bytes.to_string result let create_and_leak_value size = let value = create_random_large_value size in let key = Lwt.new_key () in Lwt.bind (Lwt.return ()) (fun () -> let* () = Lwt.with_value key (Some value) (fun () -> (* test thing *) 123 ) in printf "Gc.full_major ...\n%!" ; Gc.full_major () ; Lwt.return_unit) let rec create_and_link_sequentially n size = match n with | 0 -> Lwt.return_unit | _ -> let* () = create_and_leak_value size in let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 in create_and_link_sequentially (n - 1) size let sleeper_and_leaker () = let leaker = create_and_link_sequentially 5 (1024 * 1024 * 10) in let sleeper = Lwt_unix.sleep 3. in let* (), () = Lwt.both sleeper leaker in Lwt.return_unit let () = Memtrace.trace_if_requested ~sampling_rate:7e-6 ~context:"lwt leaking test" () ; Lwt_main.run @@ sleeper_and_leaker () ; printf "Gc.full_major ...\n%!" ; Gc.full_major () ```
Full "OCaml Language Server" output pane contents ```text [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending request 'shutdown - (5)'. [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Received response 'shutdown - (5)' in 0ms. No result returned. [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending notification 'exit'. No parameters provided. halting dune merlin process { pid = pid 2836610; initial_cwd = "/home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context" } closed merlin process { pid = pid 2836610; initial_cwd = "/home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context" } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending request 'initialize - (0)'. 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Params: { "message": "failed to poll dune registry.\nUnix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, \"stat\", \"/run/user/2040/dune/rpc\")\nMaybe you are not running dune in watch mode?\nHint: $ dune build -w", "type": 2 } [Warn - 7:39:15 PM] failed to poll dune registry. Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "stat", "/run/user/2040/dune/rpc") Maybe you are not running dune in watch mode? Hint: $ dune build -w [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Received response 'initialize - (0)' in 19ms. Result: { "capabilities": { "codeActionProvider": { "codeActionKinds": [ "quickfix", "refactor.inline", "construct", "destruct", "inferred_intf", "put module name in identifiers", "remove module name from identifiers", "remove type annotation", "type-annotate" ] }, "codeLensProvider": { "resolveProvider": false }, "completionProvider": { "resolveProvider": true, "triggerCharacters": [ ".", "#" ] }, "declarationProvider": true, "definitionProvider": true, "documentFormattingProvider": true, "documentHighlightProvider": true, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "executeCommandProvider": { "commands": [ "ocamllsp/view-metrics", "ocamllsp/open-related-source", "ocamllsp/show-document-text", "ocamllsp/show-merlin-config", "dune/promote" ] }, "experimental": { "ocamllsp": { "interfaceSpecificLangId": true, "handleSwitchImplIntf": true, "handleInferIntf": true, "handleTypedHoles": true, "handleWrappingAstNode": true, "diagnostic_promotions": true, "handleHoverExtended": true } }, "foldingRangeProvider": true, "hoverProvider": true, "positionEncoding": "utf-16", "referencesProvider": true, "renameProvider": { "prepareProvider": true }, "selectionRangeProvider": true, "semanticTokensProvider": { "full": { "delta": true }, "legend": { "tokenModifiers": [ "declaration", "definition", "readonly", "static", "deprecated", "abstract", "async", "modification", "documentation", "defaultLibrary" ], "tokenTypes": [ "namespace", "type", "class", "enum", "interface", "struct", "typeParameter", "parameter", "variable", "property", "enumMember", "event", "function", "method", "macro", "keyword", "modifier", "comment", "string", "number", "regexp", "operator", "decorator" ] } }, "signatureHelpProvider": { "triggerCharacters": [ " ", "~", "?", ":", "(" ] }, "textDocumentSync": { "change": 2, "openClose": true, "save": { "includeText": false }, "willSave": false, "willSaveWaitUntil": false }, "typeDefinitionProvider": true, "workspace": { "workspaceFolders": { "changeNotifications": true, "supported": true } }, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true }, "serverInfo": { "name": "ocamllsp", "version": "1.17.0" } } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending notification 'initialized'. Params: {} [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Received request 'client/registerCapability - (1)'. Params: { "registrations": [ { "id": "ocamllsp-cram-dune-files/textDocument/didOpen", "method": "textDocument/didOpen", "registerOptions": { "documentSelector": [ { "language": "cram", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune-project", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune-workspace", "scheme": null, "pattern": null } ] } }, { "id": "ocamllsp-cram-dune-files/textDocument/didClose", "method": "textDocument/didClose", "registerOptions": { "documentSelector": [ { "language": "cram", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune-project", "scheme": null, "pattern": null }, { "language": "dune-workspace", "scheme": null, "pattern": null } ] } } ] } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending response 'client/registerCapability - (1)'. Processing request took 0ms No result returned. [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending notification 'textDocument/didOpen'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml", "languageId": "ocaml", "version": 1, "text": "open Printf\nopen Lwt.Syntax\n\nlet show_option o = Option.value ~default:\"\" o\n\nlet create_random_large_value size =\n let chars = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\" in\n let chars_len = String.length chars in\n let result = Bytes.create size in\n for i = 0 to size - 1 do\n Bytes.set result i chars.[Random.int chars_len]\n done ;\n Bytes.to_string result\n\n\nlet create_and_leak_value size =\n let value = create_random_large_value size in\n let key = Lwt.new_key () in\n Lwt.bind (Lwt.return ()) (fun () ->\n let* () =\n Lwt.with_value key (Some value) (fun () ->\n (* test thing *)\n 123\n )\n in\n printf \"Gc.full_major ...\\n%!\" ;\n Gc.full_major () ;\n Lwt.return_unit)\n\n\nlet rec create_and_link_sequentially n size =\n match n with\n | 0 -> Lwt.return_unit\n | _ ->\n let* () = create_and_leak_value size in\n let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 in\n create_and_link_sequentially (n - 1) size\n\n\nlet sleeper_and_leaker () =\n let leaker = create_and_link_sequentially 5 (1024 * 1024 * 10) in\n let sleeper = Lwt_unix.sleep 3. in\n let* (), () = Lwt.both sleeper leaker in\n Lwt.return_unit\n\n\nlet () =\n Memtrace.trace_if_requested ~sampling_rate:7e-6 ~context:\"lwt leaking test\" () ;\n\n Lwt_main.run @@ sleeper_and_leaker () ;\n\n printf \"Gc.full_major ...\\n%!\" ;\n Gc.full_major ()\n" } } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending notification 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration'. Params: { "settings": { "codelens": { "enable": true }, "extendedHover": { "enable": false }, "duneDiagnostics": { "enable": true }, "syntaxDocumentation": { "enable": false } } } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (1)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 21, "character": 27 }, "end": { "line": 21, "character": 27 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 7:39:15 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (1)' in 15ms. Result: [ { "edit": { "documentChanges": [ { "edits": [ { "newText": "(123 : int)", "range": { "end": { "character": 15, "line": 22 }, "start": { "character": 12, "line": 22 } } } ], "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml", "version": 1 } } ] }, "isPreferred": false, "kind": "type-annotate", "title": "Type-annotate" }, { "command": { "arguments": [ "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.mli" ], "command": "ocamllsp/open-related-source", "title": "Create test_lwt_leak.mli" }, "edit": { "documentChanges": [ { "kind": "create", "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.mli" } ] }, "kind": "switch", "title": "Create test_lwt_leak.mli" } ] [Error - 7:39:15 PM] Server process exited with code 0. detached: /----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Internal error: Uncaught exception. | Invalid_argument("List.combine") | Raised at Stdlib.invalid_arg in file "stdlib.ml", line 30, characters 20-45 | Called from Stdlib__List.combine in file "list.ml", line 305, characters 36-49 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 392, characters 23-54 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.fold_node in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 698, characters 2-24 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.all_holes.aux in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 987, characters 4-28 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 326, characters 4-53 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression_desc in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 326, characters 4-53 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_node in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 575, characters 24-84 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 236, characters 37-53 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.(**) in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml" (inlined), line 233, characters 11-25 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.of_expression in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 267, characters 22-78 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 236, characters 37-53 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.list_fold_with_next in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 247, characters 59-84 | Called from Merlin_specific__Browse_raw.all_holes in file "src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml", line 989, characters 2-20 | Called from Query_commands.dispatch.loc_and_types_of_holes in file "src/frontend/query_commands.ml", line 613, characters 15-42 | Called from Stdlib__List.map in file "list.ml", line 92, characters 20-23 | Called from Merlin_utils__Std.List.concat_map in file "src/utils/std.ml" (inlined), line 129, characters 32-42 | Called from Query_commands.dispatch in file "src/frontend/query_commands.ml", line 619, characters 4-51 | Called from Ocaml_lsp_server__Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics.(fun) in file "ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml", line 339, characters 12-50 | Called from Merlin_utils__Std.let_ref in file "src/utils/std.ml", line 693, characters 8-12 | Re-raised at Merlin_utils__Std.let_ref in file "src/utils/std.ml", line 695, characters 30-39 | Called from Merlin_utils__Misc.try_finally in file "src/utils/misc.ml", line 45, characters 8-15 | Re-raised at Merlin_utils__Misc.try_finally in file "src/utils/misc.ml", line 62, characters 10-24 | Called from Stdlib__Fun.protect in file "fun.ml", line 33, characters 8-15 | Re-raised at Stdlib__Fun.protect in file "fun.ml", line 38, characters 6-52 | Called from Merlin_kernel__Mocaml.with_state in file "src/kernel/mocaml.ml", line 18, characters 8-38 | Re-raised at Merlin_kernel__Mocaml.with_state in file "src/kernel/mocaml.ml", line 20, characters 42-53 | Called from Ocaml_lsp_server__Document.Single_pipeline.use.(fun) in file "ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml", line 147, characters 22-77 | Called from Stdune__Exn_with_backtrace.try_with in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn_with_backtrace.ml", line 9, characters 8-12 | Re-raised at Stdune__Exn.raise_with_backtrace in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn.ml" (inlined), line 36, characters 27-56 | Called from Stdune__Exn_with_backtrace.reraise in file "otherlibs/stdune/src/exn_with_backtrace.ml", line 18, characters 33-71 | Called from Fiber__Core.O.(>>|).(fun) in file "fiber/src/core.ml", line 250, characters 36-41 | Called from Fiber__Scheduler.exec in file "fiber/src/scheduler.ml", line 73, characters 8-11 \----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/foldingRange - (2)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml" } } [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Received response 'textDocument/foldingRange - (2)' in 2ms. Result: [ { "endCharacter": 25, "endLine": 12, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 0, "startLine": 5 }, { "endCharacter": 7, "endLine": 11, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 3, "startLine": 9 }, { "endCharacter": 23, "endLine": 27, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 0, "startLine": 15 }, { "endCharacter": 23, "endLine": 27, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 3, "startLine": 18 }, { "endCharacter": 22, "endLine": 27, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 7, "startLine": 19 }, { "endCharacter": 11, "endLine": 23, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 10, "startLine": 20 }, { "endCharacter": 48, "endLine": 36, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 0, "startLine": 30 }, { "endCharacter": 48, "endLine": 36, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 3, "startLine": 31 }, { "endCharacter": 48, "endLine": 36, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 6, "startLine": 33 }, { "endCharacter": 48, "endLine": 36, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 7, "startLine": 34 }, { "endCharacter": 48, "endLine": 36, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 7, "startLine": 35 }, { "endCharacter": 18, "endLine": 43, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 0, "startLine": 39 }, { "endCharacter": 18, "endLine": 43, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 3, "startLine": 42 }, { "endCharacter": 19, "endLine": 52, "kind": "region", "startCharacter": 0, "startLine": 46 } ] [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeLens - (3)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml" } } [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeLens - (3)' in 1ms. Result: [ { "command": { "command": "", "title": "unit -> unit Lwt.t" }, "range": { "end": { "character": 18, "line": 43 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 39 } } }, { "command": { "command": "", "title": "int -> int -> unit Lwt.t" }, "range": { "end": { "character": 48, "line": 36 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 30 } } }, { "command": { "command": "", "title": "int -> unit Lwt.t" }, "range": { "end": { "character": 23, "line": 27 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 15 } } }, { "command": { "command": "", "title": "int -> string" }, "range": { "end": { "character": 25, "line": 12 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 5 } } }, { "command": { "command": "", "title": "string option -> string" }, "range": { "end": { "character": 52, "line": 3 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 3 } } } ] [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/documentSymbol - (4)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///home/me/code/ocaml-ambient-context/test/memory/test_lwt_leak.ml" } } [Trace - 7:39:16 PM] Received response 'textDocument/documentSymbol - (4)' in 2ms. Result: [ { "children": [], "deprecated": false, "detail": "unit -> unit Lwt.t", "kind": 12, "name": "sleeper_and_leaker", "range": { "end": { "character": 18, "line": 43 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 39 } }, "selectionRange": { "end": { "character": 18, "line": 43 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 39 } } }, { "children": [], "deprecated": false, "detail": "int -> int -> unit Lwt.t", "kind": 12, "name": "create_and_link_sequentially", "range": { "end": { "character": 48, "line": 36 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 30 } }, "selectionRange": { "end": { "character": 48, "line": 36 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 30 } } }, { "children": [], "deprecated": false, "detail": "int -> unit Lwt.t", "kind": 12, "name": "create_and_leak_value", "range": { "end": { "character": 23, "line": 27 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 15 } }, "selectionRange": { "end": { "character": 23, "line": 27 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 15 } } }, { "children": [], "deprecated": false, "detail": "int -> string", "kind": 12, "name": "create_random_large_value", "range": { "end": { "character": 25, "line": 12 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 5 } }, "selectionRange": { "end": { "character": 25, "line": 12 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 5 } } }, { "children": [], "deprecated": false, "detail": "string option -> string", "kind": 12, "name": "show_option", "range": { "end": { "character": 52, "line": 3 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 3 } }, "selectionRange": { "end": { "character": 52, "line": 3 }, "start": { "character": 0, "line": 3 } } } ] ```
Platform & versions - macOS “Sonoma” **14.2.1** - VScode **1.85.2** - VScode OCaml Platform: **1.17.0** - OCaml: **4.14.1** - `ocaml-lsp-server`: **1.17.0**
rgrinberg commented 8 months ago

cc @voodoos

voodoos commented 8 months ago

That's definitively a Merlin issue. We already fixed issues with that feature (my guess is that it's the let* (), () = Lwt.both sleeper leaker in expression that breaks merlin), @ELLIOTTCABLE could confirm that you are running the latest merlin-lib / ocaml-lsp versions ?

voodoos commented 8 months ago


I just made a small project with your file, OCaml 4.14, ocaml-lsp-server 1.17.0 and merlin-lib 4.13-414 and I am not able to reproduce the crash with vscode.