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Matching minor refactorings #13129

Closed gasche closed 2 weeks ago

gasche commented 2 weeks ago

In parallel to #13121, here is another small PR in the review stack to fix The Pattern-Matching Bug.

(If you wonder about the state of this review stack, that is, when this damn thing is going to be fixed or at least you won't get emails about it anymore: I maintain an overview comment that describes the current best-known state. Currently I have 4 PRs to propose after this one, and the first 2 suffice to fix the bug.)

The present PR contains minor refactorings that should obviously not change the behavior of the pattern-matching compiler.

gasche commented 2 weeks ago

(cc the usual suspects: @ncik-roberts , @trefis, @lthls, maybe @Octachron and @voodoos if they want to; note that #13121 is also waiting for a reviewer, but reviewing that other PR involves slightly more domain knowledge )

gasche commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks! Would you by chance be interested in approving-on-behalf for #13121 as well?