ocaml / opam

opam is a source-based package manager. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow.
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Sometimes "opam install" wants to recompile many packages - after Ctrl+C + retry it won't #5028

Open MSoegtropIMC opened 2 years ago

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

I have an odd issue: I have scripts which call opam install with a largish number of packages (~50) to leverage parallel install. Sometimes opam then wants to recompile a good fraction of the packages, even though they are already installed and to my best knowledge nothing changed (I do run opam update before). The very odd thing is that when I abort the opam install with Ctrl+C and try the same command again, it doesn't try to reinstall and just says that all packages are already installed. I appended a log.


I have the impression that this started after I changed my scripts to switch to a certain switch with

eval $(opam env --set-switch --switch ${COQ_PLATFORM_SWITCH_NAME})

rather than


which I did because I sometimes run several opam installs on different switches in different shells. Should I maybe do both?

coq-platform-main$ opam config report
# opam config report
# opam-version         2.1.0 
# self-upgrade         no
# system               arch=x86_64 os=macos os-distribution=macports os-version=11.6.2
# solver               builtin-mccs+glpk
# install-criteria     -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed
# upgrade-criteria     -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,solution],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-new
# jobs                 15
# repositories         4 (http), 11 (local) (default repo at b3f8647a)
# pinned               0
# current-switch       __coq-platform.2022.01.0~8.15~preview1
# ocaml:native         true
# ocaml:native-tools   true
# ocaml:native-dynlink true
# ocaml:stubsdir       /Users/msoegtrop/.opam/__coq-platform.2022.01.0~8.15~preview1/lib/ocaml/stublibs:/Users/msoegtrop/.opam/__coq-platform.2022.01.0~8.15~preview1/lib/ocaml
# ocaml:preinstalled   false
# ocaml:compiler       4.10.2
kit-ty-kate commented 2 years ago

Your log doesn’t include the opam commands being executed. Could you send a link to this ./coq_platform_make.sh script?

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

The script is rather lengthy (~ 20 files). The call which is failing is here:

https://github.com/coq/platform/blob/18992d85bc2df3345fb0d71c2fcf5a4c9d15b272/shell_scripts/build.sh#L35 - a plan opam install <some packages.

The variable "${PACKAGES//PIN.}" is defined here: https://github.com/coq/platform/blob/995ccb5563e820f6fd2fa84f4c068a6eda2e2a08/package_picks/package-pick-8.15%7Epreview1.sh

Note that the PIN stuff is ignored in a parallel install.

dra27 commented 2 years ago

Some code forensics:

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

because the packages are explicitly being installed, opam doesn't display the reason for recompilation

Is there a way to show the reasons anyway? Maybe with -v?