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create Teaching Resources page #119

Closed agarwal closed 9 years ago

agarwal commented 11 years ago

It will be useful to provide a list of courses taught in OCaml, IDEs that are particularly useful for teaching purposes, lecture notes that are publicly available, etc.

One item is the lecture notes by Lukasz Stafiniak.

agarwal commented 11 years ago

From: Yaron Minsky yminsky@janestreet.com Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 1:56 PM Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Use of OCaml in universities and engineering schools To: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr Cc: caml-list@inria.fr

There are probably more I'm missing, but that's a start


agarwal commented 11 years ago

From: Roberto Di Cosmo roberto@dicosmo.org Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:04 PM Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Use of OCaml in universities and engineering schools To: Yaron Minsky yminsky@janestreet.com Cc: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr, caml-list@inria.fr

Hi Nicolas, nice idea to ask about this... let me add that in the Paris area there are many many places where OCaml is taught (too many to list here, but just out of muy head, University Paris Diderot, level L3 and L1, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Orsay, ESIIE and Epitech all use OCaml at different levels)

We would really need a central place to keep this info well structured. Even a simple wiki page would do.

agarwal commented 11 years ago

From: Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet bertrandbc@gmail.com Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:24 PM Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Use of OCaml in universities and engineering schools To: Roberto Di Cosmo roberto@dicosmo.org Cc: Yaron Minsky yminsky@janestreet.com, Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr, caml-list@inria.fr

Supélec has an introductory course to programming languages for first year students (mandatory but not graded) and the section on functional programming is taught with OCaml at least on the Metz campus (http://www.metz.supelec.fr/metz/personnel/frezza/MLP/). I think that Lisp is used instead on other campuses.

That's not much but maybe worth mentioning.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

The students at the University of Mons use OCaml in a Numerical Analysis course and in various projects.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Marek Kubica marek@xivilization.net To: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr CC: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 21:53:52 +0100

On Fri, 15 Mar 2013 17:49:18 +0100 Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr wrote:

We were thus wondering which engineering schools and universities are actually currently using OCaml, and for which cursus.

The Technische Universität München is/was using it for a course called "Introduction to computer science 2". It is not OCaml specific but rather focuses on functional programming so a year ago it SML and this year it was Haskell. Depends on the professor.

agarwal commented 11 years ago

From: Philippe Wang mail@philippewang.info Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:02 PM Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Use of OCaml in universities and engineering schools To: Ashish Agarwal agarwal1975@gmail.com Cc: Roberto Di Cosmo roberto@dicosmo.org, Yaron Minsky yminsky@janestreet.com, Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr, OCaml Mailing List caml-list@inria.fr

Yes, there should be such a page somewhere, ocaml.org seems to be the right place for that.

I started getting more information about the courses: http://philippewang.info/CL/?id=where_ocaml_is_used_for_teaching_purposes (it's a draft)

bbc2 commented 11 years ago

From: Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet bertrandbc@gmail.com Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 00:20:45 -0500 Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Use of OCaml in universities and engineering schools To: Lukasz Stafiniak lukstafi@gmail.com Cc: OCaml Mailing List caml-list@inria.fr, Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr

I forgot to mention the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. There's an undergrad course on programming languages and compilers:


Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Dagnat Fabien fabien.dagnat@telecom-bretagne.eu To: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 09:37:39 +0100

Hello, In Télécom Bretagne, there is/was two courses using Caml :

Notice that the evolution of the preparatory school toward Python instead of Caml is probably going to cause serious change in lot of French engineering school. Here (at TB) the consequence is a switch to Python as basic language while keeping Java for basic object oriented programming.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Jason Yeo jasonyeo88@gmail.com To: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr CC: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 13:26:36 +0800

I'm an undergrad at the National University of Singapore. We are taught to use ocaml for a Programming Language Implementation class.

Previously, the class was taught using java. Ocaml is definitely a better choice for the class because of ADTs and the expressiveness of the language.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Valentin ROBERT vrobert@cs.ucsd.edu CC: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:34:09 -0700

My 2 cents: OCaml is used at the University of California, San Diego, as part of the undergraduate Programming Languages class (along with Python and Prolog).

cf. http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/wi13/cse130-a/

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Lukasz Stafiniak lukstafi@gmail.com To: OCaml Mailing List caml-list@inria.fr CC: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 02:15:40 +0100

OCaml is taught in an optional course called "Functional Programming" at Wroc ław University of Technology and at University of Wrocław. For contrast, at an obligatory course called "Programming" for Computer Science at University of Wrocław, there are elements of Haskell and Prolog (rather than OCaml).

http://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/course/functional-programming http://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/course/programming

avsm commented 11 years ago

Also Dan Ghica at Birmingham, who has excellent Foundations of Computer Science videos using OCaml available online: https://sites.google.com/site/focs1112/lecture-videos

samoht commented 11 years ago

All the French ENS have/had a mandatory functional programming course at L3 level for CS major, which heavily involves OCaml. Also, all the Epitech schools in France (not only the one in Paris) have an optional L2 functional programming course where they teach OCaml.

bobzhang commented 11 years ago

in Penn, CIS341 compiler course uses ocaml http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis341/current/

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Mark Raymond markr@raymonds.org.uk To: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 16:22:20 +0000

The Compilers course I did at Oxford University two years ago used OCaml.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Sebastien Ferre Sebastien.Ferre@irisa.fr To: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:16:24 +0100

At ISTIC/Université de Rennes 1, OCaml is used in different courses at different levels:

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Christophe Garion christophe.garion@isae.fr To: "caml-list@inria.fr" caml-list@inria.fr Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 10:52:03 +0100

At ISAE/SUPAERO (http://supaero.isae.fr/en/), OCaML is used in a 20 hours lecture on functional programming and introduction to type theory in the 1st year major on Artificial Intelligence and Foundations of CS.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Marc Pantel Marc.Pantel@enseeiht.fr To: Kristopher Micinski micinski@cs.umd.edu Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 09:20:20 +0100

At ENSEEIHT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electronique, Electrotechnique, Informatique, Hydraulique et Télécommunications, http://www.enseeiht.fr) in Toulouse, France, pure functional subset of OCaML is taught in 1st year of computer science and applied mathematics (L3 level, 5 ETCS, 52 hours) in Algorithms and Functional Programming courses, then it is used in the Compiler (M1 level, 5 ETCS, 52 hours) and the Static Analysis based Verification (M2 level, 3 ETCS, 30 hours) courses.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Milan Stanojević milanst@gmail.com To: Valentin ROBERT vrobert@cs.ucsd.edu CC: caml-list@inria.fr

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Valentin ROBERT vrobert@cs.ucsd.edu wrote:

My 2 cents: OCaml is used at the University of California, San Diego, as part of the undergraduate Programming Languages class (along with Python and Prolog).

cf. http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/wi13/cse130-a/

  • Valentin

It's similar at University of California, Los Angeles. Depending on the professor, either SML or OCaml (plus couple of other languages) is used for cs131, which is a required programming languages course for computer science majors.

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt@polytechnique.org To: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 16:58:12 +0100

There is an Ocaml course at INSA (an engineering school) in Rennes (3rd year). There is also an university of Rennes 1 course (3rd year as well, if I remember correctly).

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Kristopher Micinski micinski@cs.umd.edu To: Nicolas Barnier barnier@recherche.enac.fr Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 17:07:08 -0400

Maryland teaches OCaml in our classes (PL and compilers):

http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2013/cmsc330/ http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2012/cmsc430/

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Simão Sousa desousa@di.ubi.pt To: caml-list@inria.fr Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 07:35:41 +0000

At the University of Beira Interior, Portugal, we are using OCaml as the underlying programming language (as a tool, not as the subject) in 3 different courses:

As a subject of study, Ocaml is used in the following advanced courses:

thethirdman commented 11 years ago

EPITA uses OCaml for introducing students to computer programming and computer science in the first two years (during the integrated preparatory cycle).

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Luca Saiu luca.saiu@inria.fr Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 15:52:44 +0100

The Computer Science Lab [1] of Université Paris 13 offers an "Advanced Functional Programming" [2] course at the Master 2 level (fifth year), specialty "Programming and safe programs" [3].

There is also another introductory course about functional programming at the "Licence 3" level (third year). Both use OCaml.

[1] http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr [2] http://ageinghacker.net/lipn-stuff/teaching/PFA-2011/ [3] http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~fouquere/M2PLS/

Luca Saiu INRIA Saclay Personal home page: http://ageinghacker.net

Chris00 commented 11 years ago

From: Nicolas Braud-Santoni nicolas@braud-santoni.eu To: Sebastien Ferre Sebastien.Ferre@irisa.fr, caml-list@inria.fr Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 11:21:55 +0100

It is also used (at ISTIC/Rennes 1) at the M2 level, for the Static Analysis course (Program Analysis for Software Security).

For completeness' sake, I'll add that ENS de Cachan (Rennes campus) uses OCaml for all programming projects in first year, except for the prog. tutorial (a different language each year) and the C/C++ and object-oriented courses.

lukstafi commented 11 years ago

Just a "thumbs up" comment. I only managed to squeeze eight lectures into one semester (from the lecture notes linked at the top of the thread). I'm preparing the remaining slides for completeness, perhaps to turn them into a book, perhaps to teach a follow-up course someday (but not likely at present).

lefessan commented 11 years ago

Any news ? There was such a web page on www.ocaml-lang.org, it is really missing here, as I am trying to convince some university teachers to teach OCaml to their students.

Ideally, there would be links to courses, but also cached copies of the slides, and even better, source copies so that they could be modified...

agarwal commented 11 years ago

@lefessan Unfortunately, this isn't the best time to add a page like this. See summary of current plan by @amirmc. If it is urgent for you, I'm happy to accept a pull request, and I'll manually do the conversion necessary to support the new Markdown based backend.

Fourchaux commented 10 years ago

See lefessan comment above. Any new news ?

agarwal commented 10 years ago

It will be easy to accept a Pull Request. It requires creating the page site/learn/teaching.md within the repo, and then incorporating the long list of comments above in an organized manner.

amirmc commented 10 years ago

@lefessan If the page already existed on www.ocaml-lang.org, where did it go? Perhaps we can import that content too?

agarwal commented 9 years ago

@yansh @amirmc Thanks for the new teaching page. It's quite nice, and I like the map! Can this issue now be closed?

Chris00 commented 9 years ago

On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 08:16:36 -0800, Ashish Agarwal wrote:

@yansh @amirmc Thanks for the new teaching page. It's quite nice, and I like the map! Can this issue now be closed?

Is the page linked from other ones?

pw374 commented 9 years ago

There are courses mentioned on this thread that don't seem to appear on https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/blob/master/site/learn/teaching-ocaml.md But then I don't know if the list is supposed to include courses that no longer exist, and I don't know if all the forgotten courses are those that don't exist anymore.

yansh commented 9 years ago

On 14/11/14 14:09, Philippe Wang wrote:

There are courses mentioned on this thread that don't seem to appear on https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/blob/master/site/learn/teaching-ocaml.md But then I don't know if the list is supposed to include courses that no longer exist, and I don't know if all the forgotten courses are those that don't exist anymore.

I tried to pick only the existing ones - @yminsky @amirmc should I add courses that no longer exist?

amirmc commented 9 years ago

We should only include existing courses. If a course no longer uses OCaml, it should be removed.

Best wishes, Amir

sent via mobile

On 14 Nov 2014, at 14:24, yansh notifications@github.com wrote:

On 14/11/14 14:09, Philippe Wang wrote:

There are courses mentioned on this thread that don't seem to appear on https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/blob/master/site/learn/teaching-ocaml.md But then I don't know if the list is supposed to include courses that no longer exist, and I don't know if all the forgotten courses are those that don't exist anymore.

I tried to pick only the existing ones - @yminsky @amirmc should I add course that no longer exist? — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

dbuenzli commented 9 years ago

Le vendredi, 14 novembre 2014 à 15:32, Amir Chaudhry a écrit :

We should only include existing courses. If a course no longer uses OCaml, it should be removed.

I'm not following closely so I don't know the structure of the page, but if the previous courses teaching material is still available it would be worth keeping links to that.


amirmc commented 9 years ago

Since the teaching page has been up a while, with pull requests going directly to it, I'm closing this issue.