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Project contribution guidelines (recommended git workflow) #19

Closed gdcutting closed 5 years ago

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

The CoC is a great step in the direction of establishing guidelines for the project, and helping new developers get oriented. There are some other similar materials that will be helpful to productivity and community relations, and which follow standard open source practice. We will eventually probably want at least:

-communication guidelines -guidelines for contributors and maintainers -Git(Hub) workflow guide

and some other relevant material. This will help new contributors get oriented and save time of answering the same questions over and over again.

See related issue (getting started page) at .io repo.

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

I have some material for this already. Have been keeping up with my Git workflow setup in the slack channel, so I'll start to get some of that stuff more organized. This repo: https://github.com/zendframework/maintainers is an example of project with well-developed project guideline materials. This is certainly not the only way to do it, but this is valuable as an overall reference for topics to cover, and how to organize them.

This issue is pretty broad, so at some point once we get started on this material we can split this into separate issues if need be.

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

GitHub guide to setting guidelines for contributors: https://help.github.com/articles/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors/

GitHub documentation guide (I think using the wiki functionality will be helpful): https://guides.github.com/features/wikis/

Starting an open source project guide: https://opensource.guide/starting-a-project/ (more good info on guidelines)

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

Have not forgotten about this. Am high priority on design docs for the moment. Capstone people are not fully onboard yet so we're not quite there with needing contributor and workflow guidelines. But we don't need to wait much longer either, so I hope to get back to this in a couple of days and maybe get a good start before next meeting. I already have a lot of GitHub and contribution-related resources compiled in slack project and elsewhere so putting this together shouldn't be too hard (or getting a good running start at least).

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

Put together a proposed CONTRIBUTING.md (contributor guidelines with recommended git workflow) at my branch: https://github.com/gdcutting/occam/blob/feature/documentation/CONTRIBUTING.md

Take a look and see if this is okay or if we need to change anything.

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

I want to add some labeled pictures (of github pages with the relevant buttons and links highlighted) to clarify this, but the text content is a start.

Also would like to add a short discussion of rebasing, but need to clarify first.

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

I am narrowing this topic to git(hub) recommendations, which have been addressed. I think https://github.com/occam-ra/occam/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

is good for now, so I am going to close this issue.