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Readthedocs.org documentation - set up and configure #38

Open gdcutting opened 5 years ago

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

I decided to use https://readthedocs.org/ for documentation. It is fully free, is dedicated to hosting documentation, links to your repo, and uses wekbooks to keep the docs page up to date from the repo docs. It's like the GitHub Pages thing - why would we not use this?

Docs set up and initial build complete at https://occam-ra.readthedocs.io/. Default appearance is ugly but I will fix that.

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

Am trying to follow, as closely as possible, the layout and structure in use here: https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro/getting-started-with-sphinx.html

Each of the main items in the left bar (like 'Versions' and 'Build Process' under User Documentation) is a separate file. That suggests that we should perhaps split the user manual and design proposal each into multiple files (mainly using existing sections, but collapsing some of those further to make it a little less busy). That is also suggested by the fact that the user manual is just obviously way too long for one single document in a web format (no one's going to read more than a couple of pages of content for each link).

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

To do for docs site:

gdcutting commented 5 years ago

I'm debating whether to close this issue. https://occam.readthedocs.io is still not quite as organized as I would like, but it is set up and working. In particular, I'd like to just expand the nav bar structure under headers and expand those. The structure doc admittedly isn't a good top-level header on its own so that could go at a lower level under a more general topic (like 'Programming Documentation'). I'm thinking of closing this general issue, now that readthedocs.io is set up, and create more specific issues moving forward.