occiware / OCCI-Studio

OCCI Studio
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Textile generator fail to render mixin first table correctly #50

Open cgourdin opened 6 years ago

cgourdin commented 6 years ago


Textile rendering fail with mixin table. I've notice it is due to a lost carriage return after the table (depends or applied to).

| *Term* | copys3object |
| *Scheme* | http://occiware.org/occi/infrastructure/aws/s3# |
| *Title* |  |

**Carriage returned here !**
Depends on:
* <a href="s3.textile#mixin-s3objectmetadatas">http://occiware.org/occi/infrastructure/aws/s3#s3objectmetadatas</a>

Applies to:
* <a href="s3.textile#kind-bucketlink">http://occiware.org/occi/infrastructure/aws/s3#bucketlink</a>

Thanks in advance to add a carriage return after the table as in this exemple.

fzalila commented 5 years ago

I didn't see the impact of this lost carriage on the viewer. Can you, please, give us a view of the generated textile documentation and the expected one?