Writing doc by changing markdown files in OCCInterface source is not clean.
Therefore OCCInterface should allow to serve outside documentation. #17 (serve extension doc) does it for OCCI developers, now how to do it for OCCI users ? For instance by specifying
a directory in conf ex. ../occiware-ozwillo/connector-analytics or ../roboconf-demo/doc
or maybe a git(hub) or gists repo...
This is a step in going further from OCCInterface sample semantics up to a "REST API notebook" like jupyter notebook or RAML notebook i.e. commented samples in markdown that are also executable (NB. for this, integrating RAML could be a solution, but like integrating swagger there's much work to integrate it with the full MDE chain, so it's easier to merely add its features to OCCInterface).
Writing doc by changing markdown files in OCCInterface source is not clean.
Therefore OCCInterface should allow to serve outside documentation. #17 (serve extension doc) does it for OCCI developers, now how to do it for OCCI users ? For instance by specifying
This is a step in going further from OCCInterface sample semantics up to a "REST API notebook" like jupyter notebook or RAML notebook i.e. commented samples in markdown that are also executable (NB. for this, integrating RAML could be a solution, but like integrating swagger there's much work to integrate it with the full MDE chain, so it's easier to merely add its features to OCCInterface).