ocean-tracking-network / glatos

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Simplify GLATOS dependencies, especially plyr #122

Open jdpye opened 2 years ago

jdpye commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @jdpye on Mar 18, 2020, 09:50

Ran a dependency analysis with pkgnet and discovered a whole bunch of dependencies. Some of this can be mitigated by dropping plyr wherever we're using it, but while we have this opportunity we should see what other packages we are hanging this one on and whether we can cut that down.

Version 0.4.1
Date 2020-02-18
Depends R (>= 3.2.0)
Imports av, cellranger, data.table, fasterize, fasttime, gdalUtils, gdistance, geosphere, jsonlite, knitr, lubridate, magrittr, methods, openxlsx (>= 4.0.0), PBSmapping, plotrix, plotly, plyr, purrr, raster, readxl, rgdal, rgeos, sf, sp, tibble, tidyr
Suggests gganimate, gifsky, GISTools, png, rmarkdown, tint

NB: You can generate a report of your own, with an interactive node-tree diagram, as a HTML page set w/ pkgnet by running:

report<- pkgnet::CreatePackageReport('glatos')
mhpob commented 7 months ago

Notes regarding this from working on #187:

If you want to skip using pkgnet, you can see the dependencies (and their dependencies) a couple lines down the R-universe page: https://ocean-tracking-network.r-universe.dev/glatos

mhpob commented 5 months ago

zip is used in one place (position_heat_map). Purposefully introduced in https://github.com/ocean-tracking-network/glatos/commit/e93d5ed2f5fc0b3a41c4fa25dd2b28d5559eccce. Added to DESCRIPTION in https://github.com/ocean-tracking-network/glatos/pull/204/commits/c046cc51e598350b347417806188392a0ad08085

mhpob commented 5 months ago

unit is used in one place (vis-make_transition3). Added to DESCRIPTION in a50334a, seems to have been mistakenly removed in a merge conflict immediately after.

mhpob commented 1 month ago

gdalUtilities (gdalUtils here) is used in one place (vis-make_transition) and is warned for removal. gdalUtilities dependency can be removed with refactoring to sf::gdal_utils or final removal of make_transition; see #234.