ocean-tracking-network / otn-workshop-base

OTN's core suite of workshop curricula
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Spatial Data lesson #26

Open jackVanish opened 2 years ago

jackVanish commented 2 years ago

Following a short conversation with Jon, we've decided to nix the Brownscombe spatial data lesson in its current form (https://ocean-tracking-network.github.io/jb-acoustic-telemetry/11-working-with-spatial-data/index.html). However, we do want to keep a lesson on leaflet/mapview, just not in this exact form. Jon's suggestion was a 10-minute "getting your data into leaflet" sidebar, and a full-length "Leaflet and Mapview" lesson. Making this ticket to track the creation of those.

jackVanish commented 10 months ago

Just spooling through tickets and wondering is this addressed by our new pathroutr/intro-to-plotting lessons from the 2023 CANSSI workshop?

jdpye commented 8 months ago

in terms of code it goes in different directions, but further, arguably. In terms of content and 'why' we do the things we do, maybe we don't spend time in either iteration of the lesson explaining what the heck a raster and a coordinate reference system are. Something that explains why maps that you print and interact with like 4326 and 3857, and why your analysis visualization might prefer an equal-distance or equal-area projection for more accurate description of distances or home ranges, or use a utm zone that is neither, just for making the spatial units be meters.

jdpye commented 8 months ago

if we don't want to talk about the generic geospatial 'why's very much in an individual lesson, then yeah the pathroutr lesson supercedes the Brownscombe workshop lesson in all the relevant ways.

jackVanish commented 8 months ago

I see. A brief intro to geospatial/spatial data might be a good primer for the animation content since we get into shapefiles and spatially aware data (for pathroutr especially), so we might still want this. And if it's a standalone lesson, so much the better that we can swap it in and out based on our audience.