ocean-transport / scale-aware-air-sea

Repo for collaborative project on scale-aware air-sea fluxes
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New paper #19

Closed rabernat closed 2 years ago

rabernat commented 2 years ago

Impact of resolution on the atmosphere–ocean coupling along the Gulf Stream in global high resolution models


dhruvbalwada commented 2 years ago

Local Air-Sea Interactions at Ocean Mesoscale and Submesoscale in a Western Boundary Current


paigem commented 2 years ago

I plan to read and briefly present these 2 papers at our next meeting on Monday, April 11 (US time).

paigem commented 2 years ago

Impact of resolution on the atmosphere-ocean coupling along the Gulf Stream in global high resolution models

By E.E. Tsartsali et al. Climate Dynamics (2022)




image image

The claim is that the plots look more like the observations shown in Figure 1 as you move from right to left in any given row in this plot.

Local Air-Sea Interactions at Ocean Mesoscale and Submesoscale in a Western Boundary Current

By Strobach et al. GRL (2022)


Note: what I've written here is a bit more in depth than what is included in Literature.md