ocean-transport / scale-aware-air-sea

Repo for collaborative project on scale-aware air-sea fluxes
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Make movie of daily snapshots of relative effect of small scales #38

Open paigem opened 1 year ago

paigem commented 1 year ago

Make a video of daily snapshots of the relative effect of small scales so we can hopefully see what types of physical mechanisms are at play.

We are guessing that the systems may be synoptic scale atmospheric fronts, and we could verify this by overlaying the surface pressure contours.

This was based on discussions on Friday, Sep. 30th (notes here).

paigem commented 1 year ago

Here are 50-day movies of the relative small scale effect in both latent and sensible heat flux. These are made from daily snapshots.

Sensible heat flux


Latent heat flux


Pressure contours

I haven't yet added pressure contours in the movies, but below is a single snapshot of the latent heat flux with the sea level pressure contours overlaid.


Take-aways so far

The movies show the small scales moving through time. To my eye, they do look like they are likely due to atmospheric fronts. The pressure contours don't line up perfectly with all of the patterns in the snapshot above, but adding contours to the movie may reveal more.

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

These are amazing @paigem! I agree that these structures (the local extrema) look VERY atmospheric (they move very fast, and they do not particularly confined by land boundaries. In terms of the pressure, I suggest to increase the amount of contours, so we could see 'bunching' which would indicates a frontal system?

dhruvbalwada commented 1 year ago

These look amazing! Could maybe look at some gradient quantity in the atmosphere too, like mapping atmospheric surface temperature gradients.

Also noticed that some of the features, like in the Agulhas, don't transit - indicating ocean signatures. :)

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

You are right! There are some "standing" features like the Gulf Stream too!

paigem commented 1 year ago

Good points @dhruvbalwada!! It's very cool to see some ocean signatures here! 😄

I have rerun the latent heat flux movie with pressure contours overlaid:


The frontal features here don't seem to align perfectly with the pressure contours, and often appear more perpendicular to the contours.

I've been reading a bit about how to detect atmospheric fronts, and it looks like surface temperature is a common indicator, though many metrics involving various surface fields are used. See for example these two papers:

I'm currently running another movie with temperature contours to compare.

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

I think on a more basic level the suggestion to plot slp was more to confirm that stuff generally moves with pressure systems? Which I would say a lot of these definitely do! I wonder how deep we have to dive into 'front detection' here or if something like surface temperature gradient (which we can calculate relatively easy) is sufficient?

paigem commented 1 year ago

Two more movies for now:

Latent heat flux using ecmwf algorithm (as all previous plots) with contours of atmospheric reference temperature t_ref


Latent heat flux using ncar algorithm


paigem commented 1 year ago

Sensible heat flux using ncar method


paigem commented 1 year ago

Latent heat with coare3p6 algorithm


Sensible heat with coare3p6 algorithm


Latent heat with andreas algorithm


Sensible heat with andreas algorithm


Note the different colorbar scales for several of the above videos. andreas ranges from -40 to 40, the sensible heat using ncar ranges from -100 to 100, while all others range from -20 to 20.

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

Wow, I am actually very suprised by the difference seen in all the algorithms shown. To double check that there are no obvious errors, could we make some video of the total flux (and the large scale flux) with all algos? I would suggest 2 videos with 4 panels each, that show 4 algos side by side. The goal of this exercise for me would be to confirm that the overall sign/patterns are similar in all algos, and that the strong difference in behavior (even a change of sign) is indeed caused by the different response of each algo to the small scale structures.

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

@paigem let me know if that is something that I should help with. You have already done an amazing job with these movies!

paigem commented 1 year ago

Good idea @jbusecke to show several panels together! I'll run those today.

paigem commented 1 year ago

More movies! This time, I have all 4 algorithms together in the same video and these are for the full fields (i.e. with high-res input, and coarsened after computing the fluxes).

Preliminary observations

Next steps

Latent heat flux


Sensible heat flux


paigem commented 1 year ago

Here is a movie that @jbusecke and I discussed yesterday that includes large scales on the top row and small scales (absolute difference between full field and large scale) on the bottom row for all algorithms. After looking at the small scale relative figures, we are concerned that many of those regions we identified are due to near-zero values in the original field. So we will focus now on the small scales yielded from the absolute difference.

Sorry for the small sizing of the plots in the movie - will need to improve that moving forward. Also, the colorbars weren't included here, but the top row ranges from -50 to 50, and the bottom row from -10 to 10.

Sensible heat flux


Preliminary observations

These observations in general do not match with our previous findings in #32 that the small scales universally reinforce the full field. I.e. the time average is not the same as the individual daily snapshots.

Note that these movies are run for 50 days starting on Jan. 1st. Thus the northern hemisphere is in winter and the southern is in summer.

jbusecke commented 1 year ago

Wow 🤯. The difference is really striking! This movie is really helpful.

These observations in general do not match with our previous findings in https://github.com/ocean-transport/scale-aware-air-sea/issues/32 that the small scales universally reinforce the full field. I.e. the time average is not the same as the individual daily snapshots.

I would agree with this, and even go as far as to say that this immediately qualifies as a new finding: Air sea fluxes due to small scales are very sensitive to the algorithm used. I think I will now prioritize getting results from the NCAR data, to confirm that this shows similar differences.

But I think it is not all lost of our old hypothesis: I still see mostly reinforcement of the large scale flux in the western boundary regions in all algos except andreas, just with very different amplitude. I have the hope that by degrading only wind/sst we will be able to find out what is causing these more persistent features (presumably the ocean).

paigem commented 1 year ago

Latent heat flux

Top row colorbar: -170 to 170 Bottom row colorbar: -30 to 30


Preliminary observations

I think these results agree with your claim:

Air sea fluxes due to small scales are very sensitive to the algorithm used. However, here we see two methods showing mostly damping by small scales, particularly in the boundary regions. The other two methods show the opposite: the small scales reinforce the full fields.

@jbusecke I agree that running on a different dataset would be a great indicator if the algorithms behave similarly. That will help us determine if there are some algorithms tailored to certain model datasets.