ocean-transport / scale-aware-air-sea

Repo for collaborative project on scale-aware air-sea fluxes
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Poll: Synchronous meeting time/frequency #4

Closed jbusecke closed 2 years ago

jbusecke commented 2 years ago

Hi @ocean-transport/collab_team,

I am extremely excited for the start of our collaborative work next week.

The two kickoff meetings are not yet following a rigid structure, but I think it is beneficial to get some input on the meeting structure after these meetings, so we can start right away after Wednesday.

In my presentation I suggested to organize work around 2 week sprints.

We need to decide a few things here:

  1. Do we want to have the 'planning'/'review' meeting together in one slot? Or separate them?
  2. Depending on 1., what day/time of the week would work for everyone. I really think that synchronous meetings are needed for these. If you could indicate regular availability in this poll I can already start to narrow down 1 or two spots that might work (disregard the actual dates and just treat them as days of the week. Somehow the time zone support only works for specific dates here).
  3. How are we replacing/integrating our weekly standup with this structure? "Classic" agile frameworks often have daily stand ups, but that might be too much. I think that some regular very short check-in might be nice though. Thoughts?
  4. Do we formalize some amount of work that every member is supposed to put in within each sprint? Or do folks not like that?

Any other thoughts or comments on the proposed work, please let us know below.

cisaacstern commented 2 years ago

Do we want to have the 'planning'/'review' meeting together in one slot? Or separate them?

Seems like this will be easiest, scheduling-wise? We could do the first half of the meeting (30 mins?) as review, and second half as planning the next sprint?

I really think that synchronous meetings are needed for these. If you could indicate regular availability in this poll

Makes sense! Poll completed βœ…

How are we replacing/integrating our weekly standup with this structure?

What if we just keep our existing Monday standup as our only standup meeting, and add a header to the response template for this project?

Do we formalize some amount of work that every member is supposed to put in within each sprint? Or do folks not like that?

Seems like some people at least (e.g., me) will have highly variable workloads depending on the stage of the project. (Sometimes a fair amount, sometimes none.) Which maybe argues against formalization?

paigem commented 2 years ago

Do we want to have the 'planning'/'review' meeting together in one slot? Or separate them?

I agree with @cisaacstern that it's probably best to try having them together in one time slot. If after a couple weeks this doesn't work well, we can adjust as needed.

Depending on 1., what day/time of the week would work for everyone.

I put in my availability as two options: Paige (on our current timezones) and Paige after April 3 (after both the US and Australia change clocks). A couple other comments:

How are we replacing/integrating our weekly standup with this structure?

I don't have a strong opinion here since I can't make the weekly standup anyway! But I do quite like participating asynchronously.

Do we formalize some amount of work that every member is supposed to put in within each sprint? Or do folks not like that?

Again, I agree with @cisaacstern that the workloads for various group members may be quite variable. Perhaps if we each formalize the amount of work for ourselves, then we can still have some clear goals/deadlines, while tailoring to everyone's needs.

jbusecke commented 2 years ago

Again, I agree with @cisaacstern that the workloads for various group members may be quite variable. Perhaps if we each formalize the amount of work for ourselves, then we can still have some clear goals/deadlines, while tailoring to everyone's needs.

I think this is a great idea. Maybe we can individually commit to working a little/medium/πŸš€ for a particular sprint.

jbusecke commented 2 years ago

I have tentatively picked Monday 4:30-5:30PM every other week (the same time but alternate week to the joint group meeting).

The next sprint planning is on Monday Jan 31st. Please let me know if that produces a conflict or some other time is preferred.

jbusecke commented 2 years ago

superseeded by #23