oceanhackweek / ohw23_proj_drone_georef

We aim to develop a workflow to match drone images with a satellite grid
Apache License 2.0
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Extract metadata from test images #6

Open NickMortimer opened 1 year ago

NickMortimer commented 1 year ago

Run test data through existing scripts to extract the positions etc.

pbranson commented 1 year ago

Here is some example code of using PyExifTool, which is a wrapper for ExifTool:

if os.path.exists(exif_data):
    df_meta = pd.read_csv(exif_data)
    print(f'Loaded {exif_data}')
    with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
        print('Parsing exif data')
        metadata = et.execute_json(*tiffs)
        df_meta = pd.DataFrame(metadata)
        print(f'Exif data saved to {exif_data}')
NickMortimer commented 1 year ago
wanted ={"SourceFile","FileModifyDate","ImageDescription",
NickMortimer commented 1 year ago

                def get_longitude(item):
                    longitude =float(item[0]) + float(item[2][0:-1])/60 + float(item[3][0:-1])/3600
                    return (longitude)
                drone['Longitude'] = np.nan
                drone['Latitude'] = np.nan
                drone.loc[ ~drone['GPSLongitude'].isna(),'Longitude']=drone.loc[ ~drone['GPSLongitude'].isna(),'GPSLongitude'].str.split(' ',expand=True).apply(get_longitude,axis=1)
                drone.loc[ ~drone['GPSLatitude'].isna(),'Latitude']=drone.loc[ ~drone['GPSLatitude'].isna(),'GPSLatitude'].str.split(' ',expand=True).apply(get_longitude,axis=1)
                drone.loc[drone['GPSLatitudeRef']=='South','Latitude'] =drone.loc[drone['GPSLatitudeRef']=='South','Latitude']*-1
                drone = drone[drone.columns[drone.columns.isin(wanted)]]