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Tutorial for marine SDMs
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Task: Create dataframe of species locations in Arabian Sea and/or Bay of Bengal #1

Closed eeholmes closed 1 year ago

eeholmes commented 1 year ago


Here are some sea turtle species data available:


Looks like more data is available on the east coast of Africa.

7yl4r commented 1 year ago

The example data in /data/raw_bio should be fairly easy to load in. This format is similar to a Darwin Core occurrences.csv file.

49450059,-179.5,-16.7,"The State of the World's Sea Turtles Team","Chelonia mydas","545","2006-01-01","2006-01-01",1,,1,,,,"5117:469:374","POLYGON((-179.4 -16.7,-179.4 -16.8,-179.5 -16.8,-179.5 -16.7,-179.4 -16.7))"
49450058,-179.3,-16.3,"The State of the World's Sea Turtles Team","Chelonia mydas","545","2006-01-01","2006-01-01",1,55,1,,,,"5117:469:132","POLYGON((-179.2 -16.3,-179.2 -16.4,-179.3 -16.4,-179.3 -16.3,-179.2 -16.3))"
40059319,-178.4,-30.2,"Graham Edgar, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS)","Chelonia mydas","103152531","2012-12-30","2012-12-30",1,1,1,,,,"5317:208:124","POLYGON((-178.4 -30.2,-178.4 -30.3,-178.5 -30.3,-178.5 -30.2,-178.4 -30.2))"
40060818,-178.0,-29.3,"Kevin Mackay, NIWA","Chelonia mydas","103152536","1905-05-23","1992-05-01",2,,1,,,,"5217:497:229","POLYGON((-177.9 -29.2,-177.9 -29.3,-178 -29.3,-178 -29.2,-177.9 -29.2))"
marysolokas commented 1 year ago

I created a file that gets the lat/long of the green turtles in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal from the green_turtles.csv file, but the time component is tricky. It has a minimum date & a maximum date, but that's all. I'm also not sure yet how to make distinction of if the turtle was on sea vs land, and currently looking for more datasets to add.

7yl4r commented 1 year ago

I initiated an export from OBIS for this query#):


I should be able to upload the 8554-line .csv shortly.

sjhong0117 commented 1 year ago

I initiated an export from OBIS for this query#):


I should be able to upload the 8554-line .csv shortly.

How did you do this? (I did download from the link you posted, But I really want to know how you did this. I'm just so new to using OBIS...)