oceanmodeling / ufs-weather-model

This repo is forked from ufs-weather-model, and contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS coastal model executable and model components, including the ROMS, FVCOM, ADCIRC and SCHISM plus WaveWatch III model components.
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UFS-CAT Training: Check RT SCHISM output #40

Closed janahaddad closed 3 months ago

janahaddad commented 4 months ago


This issue is focused on prepping for the UFS-CAT training session. The currently passing RTs (DATM+SCHISM, DATM+WW3) have only been tested by Ufuk, and need to be re-run by another team member who can plot and verify the model outputs.


re-run coastal_ike_shinnecock_atm2sch on Hercules: RT directory: /work2/noaa/nems/tufuk/RT Baseline Directory: /work2/noaa/nems/tufuk/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240126

plot SCHISM model output and verify results

janahaddad commented 4 months ago

related to oceanmodeling/schism#5

yunfangsun commented 3 months ago

To plot the water elevation field cartoon, the function is as follows:

def plot_ocn_from_file(file_path, vara, vmin, vmax, output_dir='output_images'):

Load the external mesh for triangulation

hgrid = pyschism.mesh.Hgrid.open('rt_tests_figures/rt_990727/coastal_ike_shinnecock_atm2sch2ww3_intel/hgrid.gr3', crs=4326)
triangulation = hgrid.triangulation

# Open the NetCDF file
ds = nc.Dataset(file_path)

# Get time variable and convert to string format for filenames
time_var = ds.variables['time']
time_units = time_var.units

# Extract long name and units for the variable

long_name = ds.variables[vara].getncattr('long_name') if 'long_name' in ds.variables[vara].ncattrs() else vara

units = ds.variables[vara].getncattr('units') if 'units' in ds.variables[vara].ncattrs() else 'no units'

# Loop through each time step
for t_idx in range(len(time_var)):
    el = ds.variables[vara][t_idx, :].flatten()

    # Convert time value to a string
    time_val = nc.num2date(time_var[t_idx], time_units)
    time_str = time_val.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')

    # Ensure the output directory exists
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Plotting
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.tripcolor(triangulation, el, shading='flat', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    plt.colorbar(label=f'Elevation (m)', extend='both', aspect=20, shrink=0.8, orientation='vertical')

    title_text = 'Elevation' + f' - {time_str}'

    # Save the figure
    file_name = f'{vara}_{time_str}.png'
    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)

# Close the NetCDF dataset

To use it

cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('red_blue_colormap', ['blue', 'white', 'red'])

directory_path = 'rt_tests_figures/rt_990727/coastal_ike_shinnecock_atm2sch2ww3_intel/outputs/'

file_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(directorypath, 'schout?.nc'))

Loop through each file and plot

for file_path in file_paths: plot_ocn_from_file(file_path,'elev',-0.6,0.6)

!convert outputimages/elev*.png output_images/elev.gif

yunfangsun commented 3 months ago

To plot the surface forcing cartoon:

Open the NetCDF file

dataset = nc.Dataset('rt_tests_figures/rt_562057/coastal_ike_shinnecock_atm2sch_intel/INPUT/wind_atm_fin_ch_time_vec_STR_fixed.nc')

Extract variables

latitude = dataset.variables['latitude'][:] longitude = dataset.variables['longitude'][:] time = dataset.variables['time'] time_units = time.units time_values = time[:] # Get all time values

Convert time values to datetime objects

dates = num2date(time_values, units=time_units)

Set up the figure and axis with cartopy

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8), subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})

Define the color normalization with fixed range 0 to 20 m/s (not 0 to 500 as in the original script)

norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=30)

Create a ScalarMappable for the colorbar with the fixed normalization

sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap='coolwarm', norm=norm) sm.set_array([])

Add the colorbar to the figure

cbar = fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, orientation='vertical', extend='both', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) cbar.set_label('Wind Speed (m/s)')

Function to draw each frame of the animation

def update(frame): ax.clear() # Clear previous frame ax.set_extent([-72.9, -72.04, 40.4, 40.99], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Re-add static features for each frame
ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, linestyle=':')
ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, alpha=0.5)

# Extract wind components and calculate speed
uwnd = dataset.variables['uwnd'][frame, :, :]
vwnd = dataset.variables['vwnd'][frame, :, :]
wind_speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2)

# Plot wind speed as a contour map
speed_contour = ax.contourf(longitude, latitude, wind_speed, levels=np.linspace(0, 30, 31), cmap='coolwarm', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# This line adds a colorbar for each frame, which can be redundant. Consider adding it outside the update function if necessary.
geom_poly_2 = geom_obj_2.get_multipolygon()

gpd.GeoSeries(geom_poly_2).plot(color='c', ax=ax)

plot_mesh_edge(mesh_obj_2, ax=ax, color='k', linewidth=0.1)
# Format the date to a readable string format, e.g., "2023-01-01 12:00"
date_str = dates[frame].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
plt.title(f'Wind Speed at {date_str}')

Create animation using the 'update' function

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=len(time_values), interval=200)

Save the animation

ani.save('rt_tests_figures/shinecock_atm/wind_speed_contour_map_corrected_ike.gif', writer='pillow', fps=5)

janahaddad commented 3 months ago

closing & tracking in https://github.com/oceanmodeling/ufs-coastal/issues/43 instead