oceanmodeling / ufs-weather-model

This repo is forked from ufs-weather-model, and contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS coastal model executable and model components, including the ROMS, FVCOM, ADCIRC and SCHISM plus WaveWatch III model components.
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Updates on the test cases and minor fixes in the rt* scripts #68

Open pvelissariou1 opened 2 months ago

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

Input files: /work/noaa/nosofs/pvelissa/RT-03132024/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240415

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu I agree with most of your comments. Please go ahead and sync with ufs-weather-model and schism/schism-esmf and then we can re-visit the PR. In the meantime I am working locally on hercules ufs-coastal with updated schism/schism-esmf and setting/configuring/testing the various test cases. I will separate the "fully tested" in the rt_coastal.conf and move the rest to something like rt_coastal_testing.conf. At this point I am considering ADCIRC cases as partially tested and the rest FVCOM/ROMS as not tested.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 Okay. I pointed to the SCHSIM master for both model and cap and I am seeing answer changes in atm2sch2ww3 (atm2sch is passing). This could be due to having old baseline on Hercules but I am double checking the output to be sure. Once it is done and seems okay, I'll update the baseline for atm2sch2ww3 on Hercules. then move to sync with uas-weather-model. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for all your hard work.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu When you have synchronized everything I will re-run the tests from my side and if everything is ok we can merge the RT folder as well.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 I am still working on it. I'll update you soon. As a side note, I am also working on another PR in ufs-weather-model side related with the land project but I'll try to sync soon. I need to check the result of the wave test to be sure it is workin to update the baseline.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu Ufuk, please take your time. I am good with my ufs-coastal clone (I have updated all SCHISM related sources). I am working on multiple test cases now. Tomorrow we might need to have a meeting to discuss my updates.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 Thanks. I am trying to compile the SCHSIM utils on Hercules but getting error like /usr/bin/ld: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.5.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.9.0/scotch-7.0.4-vclm5gy/lib/libptscotch.a(dgraph_fold_comm.c.o): undefined reference to symbol '__svml_idiv4' it was fine wen I run the RT. Anyway, I am trying to resolve it at this point. Probably it is related with my environment.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu I am able to compile SCHISM within ufs-coastal and standalone without issues. Scotch is not used. (that is, not the latest commit of SCHISM but the previous one). If you want I can check again on Hercules.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 In my case I am compiling WW3 coupled configurations and I think WW3 is using Scotch. Anyway, I am trying to do fresh install now.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu Same here, SCHISM+WW3 compilations are working just fine for me. Using Scotch (WW3) and ParMETIS (SCHISM).

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 @janahaddad @yunfangsun @saeed-moghimi-noaa FYI, I did following,

16:      ERROR IN READING FROM mod_def.ww3 FILE

I think we need to run ww3_grid for all the configurations with WW3. Any idea? I also found that I was syncing our WW3 fork (and branch) with NOAA-EMC WW3 develop branch by mistake. Actually dev/ufs-weather-model branch is used by the UFS Weather Model. So, I cherry pick our additional development in WW3 side (such as bringing radiation stress support, making standalone build possible) and create another branch in our fork with those changes. The new branch in WW3 side is dev/ufs-coastal (we could change its name later if we need). I am plaining to point that one after I regenerate the file and resolve the issue. So, I did not push the synced ufs-coastal yet.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu Ufuk thank you for the update. Regarding rt_costal.conf file I have done the same thing as I am trying to finalize all SCHISM, WW3 cases, let me take care of that at this moment. Regarding WW3 I'll keep testing all cases SCHISM+WW3, WW3 and I'll report back. In the shinnecock test cases for ww3 the mod_def* files are quite old but I don't understand why you are getting this error message now. Anyway, I think we need to re-adjust the job submission scripts to generate these files on the fly as we are doing in CoastalApp-testsuite. To generate these files on the fly is standard approach used by the WW3 folks as well.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 Okay. Once I run ww3_grid, the case is fine. I am not sure why we ned this now but it could be related with my fault by using wrong branch to update our fork. Anyway, I'll update files for the case that has ww3 component. If you have same issue, you might need to run ww3_grid in your side too. The RT basically did not designed to run different tasks except running build and run. Of course it would be extended but I think there is no need at this point and also NOAA-EMC is trying to modernize the RT framework at this point. If you think that it is really needed, then the best way is to open an issue in UFS Weather Model side about it and start discussion.

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 Okay, I generated all files again and running all RTs now. If they passes, i'll also merge the staff related with sync. Keep you updated.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu , @janahaddad Let's put this on the backlog for the time being, it is not urgent. In the future we will talk about this again, do we need to have this functionality on the RT side or, on the app side. Models ADCIRC, WW3, etc. require some kind of pre-processing steps before the actual run. I agree RTs should be in frozen status as we use them to test things out.

pvelissariou1 commented 2 months ago

@uturuncoglu Great, thanks

uturuncoglu commented 2 months ago

@pvelissariou1 @janahaddad @saeed-moghimi-noaa @yunfangsun I also synced the model with ufs-weather-model head of develop. I was syncing our WW3 fork with NOAA-EMC WW3 develop branch by mistake. Actually dev/ufs-weather-model branch is used by the UFS Weather Model. So, I cherry pick our additional development in WW3 side (such as bringing radiation stress support, making standalone build possible) and create another branch in our fork with those changes. Also, fixed the issue related with the standalone WW3 configuration. Now, our branch is based on the one used by the ufs-weather-model. The new branch in WW3 side is dev/ufs-coastal (we could change its name later if we need) and ufs-coastal now pointing that one.

Anyway, please sync your fork with current version of ufs-coastal and please also resolve the outstanding issues if there are. It would be nice to run all the tests (incl. newly added ones) in rt_coastal.conf one more time and create baseline for those new test before merge to be sure that they are still working. Then, I think we will be ready to merge it.

I think as a part of this PR, we also need to update the input directory. So, please let me know about it. We need to sync it across platforms like Orion, Hercules and also Frontera. In the meantime, let me know if you have any issue.

janahaddad commented 2 months ago

Just catching up with this but thank you @uturuncoglu for this. We'll have time to review this PR at tomorrow's meeting.